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Head Start Heads to Harvard

From the Princeton University newspaper’s blog:

Friday morning of Fall Break, emissaries from Princeton University tapped into the spirit of the season early when they dispensed hot oatmeal to students in and around Harvard Yard. After losing 27% of its endowment, Harvard had ceased serving hot breakfasts to its students as a cost-saving measure.

The volunteers, all students belonging to Princeton’s humor magazine, The Princeton Tiger, used their fall recess to drive to Cambridge in order to help their less fortunate peers. “Everyone’s hurting in this economy,” said Steven Liss, Chairman of The Tiger. “But Harvard’s endowment shrunk from $37 billion to scarcely $26 billion– they’ve lost more than anyone in these tough times.” A Massachusetts native, Liss cited concern over the coming winter. “Harvard’s our rival, but we hate to think of them having to get by on only continental breakfasts…”


From the Harvard Crimson’s blog. A headline:


Margaret Soltan, December 3, 2009 6:20AM
Posted in: harvard: gearing up for the winter

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5 Responses to “Head Start Heads to Harvard”

  1. Polish Peter Says:

    Harvard’s sense of humor seems to have declined proportional to their endowment.

  2. Margaret Soltan Says:

    Yes. They don’t seem to know how to respond to the overture.

  3. Bill Gleason Says:

    As Oliver said: Please, sir, more?

  4. Mr Punch Says:

    I think you all misunderstand this gesture. Princeton, which has a somewhat smaller endowment than Harvard but is a much smaller and simpler institution, is and long has been MUCH richer, for all practical purposes. They’re rubbing it in.

  5. Margaret Soltan Says:

    The contrast you draw, Mr Punch, makes the Allston campus thing look even smarter.

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