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Update, Figes. ICK.

After threatening colleagues, literary journals and newspapers with legal action last week, Orlando Figes has revealed this morning that it was not his wife who anonymously rubbished fellow historians in comments on Amazon: it was him.

In a statement released to the Daily Mail the professor of history at London’s Birkbeck College said that he takes “full responsibility” for what he called “foolish errors”….

UD thanks Dave for the link.

Background here.

Margaret Soltan, April 23, 2010 8:22AM
Posted in: just plain gross

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7 Responses to “Update, Figes. ICK.”

  1. Matt L Says:

    Super tacky and juvenile. That is too bad. Figes has written some great books and his scholarship is first rate. Now he is just a petty minded bully.

  2. DM Says:

    Given the tone of the current controversy between Michel Onfrau and Elizabeth Roudinesco, I despair of the civilized academic debate.

  3. Margaret Soltan Says:

    I hadn’t heard about that one, DM. I’ll check it out. Thanks.

  4. DM Says:

    Sorry, typo, Michel Onfray. Onfray is a French philosopher (whatever you put under that description) that writes somewhat popular books. He lately wrote an essay attacking Freud as a fraud. Psychoanalysis is popular in France among, for want of a better expression, intellectuals of the literary kind (humanities, psychology, philosophy). This essay was thus received with some hostility by some people, including Elizabeth Roudinesco, a historian of psychoanalysis. She wrote an angry opinion piece attacking Onfray, Onfray answered and so on…

    The quarrel is at the level of alleging that Onfray uses arguments from the far-right (bad! evil!).

  5. Josh Says:

    Wouldn’t you have to dismiss almost all of continental philosophy if you were to condemn a scholar who used the work of a far-right thinker? Oh wait.

  6. University Diaries » Annals of an Abiding Asshole Says:

    […] has already covered the curious tale of how Orlando Figes anonymously and viciously attacked rival historians’ […]

  7. University Diaries » Shades of Orlando Figes. Says:

    […] that historian’s anonymous Amazon comments, viciously trashing fellow historians’ books and voluminously praising his own, look rather […]

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