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Intriguing developing story out of Australia…

… about a high-profile University of Melbourne professor of psychiatry accused of … well, you know the list from our homegrown … troubled professors of psychiatry:

over-medication of drugs, consultations of 30 seconds and a conflict of interest involving pharmaceutical companies…

Curious, too, because you just know, from looking at his cv, that this guy is the real thing. Start with his acronyms:

AO, KCSJ, BSc, MB, ChB, DPM, MD, FRANZCP, FRCPsych, MRACMA, Dip.M.Htlh.Sc (Clinical Hypnosis), FAChAM.

Do you have that many acronyms? UD has… let’s see… BA, MA, PhD, CIA (can’t talk about that), NSA (ditto) NS (Navy Seals, can’t talk about that), MY (Mother of the Year)… That’s seven after-the-name acronyms. Graham here has… I’m counting twelve, but I’m thinking we could break down Dip.M.Htlh.C into two probably… So make it thirteen.

Then (stand back): There’s this:

He has published more than 650 scientific articles in peer-reviewed journals. He is the author or editor of more than 95 books, including the Handbook of Anxiety Disorders and the Handbook of General Hospital Psychiatry and has contributed chapters to approximately 190 other scientific books. He serves on the editorial boards of 30 international and Australian journals.

Consultations of 30 seconds! His patients should be honored to get five seconds! Do they have any idea who they’re dealing with??

Margaret Soltan, June 22, 2011 7:07PM
Posted in: professors

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4 Responses to “Intriguing developing story out of Australia…”

  1. Margo Says:

    I’m a patient, so I don’t like these guys at all but to be fair to SuperProfessor Graham, does he actually see patients? The above link states that he is a researcher.

  2. Margaret Soltan Says:

    Margo: The other link features complaints from patients, so yes – SuperProf does seem to see patients.

  3. dmf Says:

    in my experience most psychiatrists have made up their minds in under a minute, not a lot of reflection/context-seeking or openness to not-knowing in their training, the rest is all too often just going through the expected motions

  4. Margo Says:

    Ooops, sorry. I must have given this about the same attention as the doc allegedly gives his patients! Thanks for your response, Ms. Soltan.

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