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The Filthy, Filthy, Fiesta Bowl…

… the filthiest of all the Bowls, the very deepest bowel of the Bowls (scroll down for BCS details), has sent a letter out to a bunch of politicians. Over the past few years, the Fiesta people have given these politicians free game tickets.

The letter asks the politicians why they – the Fiesta people – did that.

You read that right. It’s a letter that says you tell us why we bribed you. Turns out it wasn’t a tax exempt sort of thing to do! Who knew? … But … well … maybe it was a tax exempt sort of thing to do only we’re too stupid to figure out how it was tax exempt. Will you tell us?…

Or… maybe if we write this letter to you we’ll transfer the guilt to you! You took the money after all! It wasn’t me, Mom! It was him!


Answers to the Fiesta letter are starting to trickle in, and so far it doesn’t look good.

Senator Rich Crandall:

“I don’t have to prove to you it was a benefit. …Your board and directors said it was a benefit… You need to go back to them and ask them how they felt it was a benefit. I don’t have to justify anything to you.”

Senate President Russell Pearce:

The request is “outrageous.”

Looks like the Fiesta guys might have to go back to the drawing board and figure out all by themselves why they’re a tax-exempt organization. For some reason, the beneficiaries of their payoffs aren’t cooperating.

Margaret Soltan, June 30, 2011 9:40AM
Posted in: sport

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2 Responses to “The Filthy, Filthy, Fiesta Bowl…”

  1. YequalsX Says:

    UD, I admire your writing. I think I’ve learned a lot about writing from you.

    I was disappointed to read your first sentence. I read it and then reread it. I didn’t understand it. I then read the rest of your post and was able to stitch it all together. At first I thought you had lost it – the clarity with which you usually write. I was wrong. You haven’t lost it, they have.

    It used to be the case that people would make modest attempts to put forth at least theoretically plausible justifications. Maybe the nation has passed that point. Maybe too many people have learned written argument and persuasion from online courses.

  2. University Diaries » “The top 50 schools break away, come up with a system of paying athletes and determining a national champion; of negotiating new multibillion-dollar television deals and divisions of 10 teams each; of eliminating all prete Says:

    […] with some dipshit organization run by college presidents who put fine businessmen like John Junker out of business? Junker is our business, and the NCAA doesn’t seem to get […]

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