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Snapshots from Home

In the first image accompanying this BBC obituary for John Wilpers, his daughter, UD‘s oldest friend, holds a photograph of her father having captured and kept from suicide Tojo.

The article says Wilpers died in a Garrett Park nursing home, but there are no nursing homes here. He died, I assume, in the Garrett Park house he’d lived in for… what? Sixty years, I guess. When UD’s family came back from England (a year-long immunology fellowship for UD‘s father), they moved across the street from the Wilpers family, and UD and Terry became close friends.

UD regarded Terry’s father as a bland well-meaning parental thing – hardly the sort to hold a gun to Tojo and to his doctor, and order the doctor to fix Tojo’s attempted-suicide wound.


The New York Times obituary.

UD thanks Jon.

Margaret Soltan, March 4, 2013 6:25PM
Posted in: snapshots from home

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