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“His work is well supported. Dr. Bennett has been awarded more than $4.2 million in federal research grants.”

So okay he’s had to give a chunk of that back because he stole it. Fine. We at the University of South Carolina are still proud as punch! Charles Bennett’s a winner and Northwestern had him but NU had to pay “$2.93 million in July 2013 to settle claims that the University ignored a whistleblower’s concerns about Bennett,” and I guess all the hoo-haw didn’t sit too well with NU because Bennett had to scoot.

So he became a free agent and we got him! Score one for USC!!


Background on The Pride of USC here and here.

Margaret Soltan, November 2, 2014 7:15PM
Posted in: march of science

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One Response to ““His work is well supported. Dr. Bennett has been awarded more than $4.2 million in federal research grants.””

  1. Margaret Soltan Says:

    The following is a comment from Roy Poses. I’m adding it for him since my software for some reason is failing to post it:

    ‘I am not sure what to make of this settlement.

    The case itself is very odd. See:



    I admit to having argued that corporate settlements may suggest guilt even if they include no acknowledgement of wrongdoing. Why would a corporation settle a case for hundreds of millions when it might cost only a few millions to successfully defend it, if the corporation believed that winning would be likely?

    On the other hand, individuals rarely have a few millions to defend a case lying around. It may make more sense for an individual to settle for an amount that will not cause bankruptcy in cases in which a successful defense might cost enough to cause bankruptcy.

    So I am not sure what this settlement means.’

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