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Gifted Hands:

The Ben Carson Story.

Margaret Soltan, January 7, 2015 3:50AM
Posted in: plagiarism

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4 Responses to “Gifted Hands:”

  1. Jack/OH Says:

    Dr. Carson’s a great guy, I suppose. But, he’s made most of his money as a practitioner from health care financing that’s pretty much collectivist in impulse.

    Allow me to quote from my own unpublished manuscript.

    “Inspired by talked-about ideas of regularizing health care costs in the United States, and the ruling Bolsheviks’ tinkering with medical distribution in the Soviet Union, [economist Clarence] Rorem adapted the idea [of group health insurance].”

    Would Dr. Carson and other AMA-type political doctors have us believe that a scheme that enrolls the $10 an hour janitor and the $300 an hour executive in the same insurance group arose from free markets in action?

  2. John Says:

    can’t he just blame it on his ghostwriter?
    this whole “people who don’t write” publishing books thing is ridiculous.

  3. Dr_Doctorstein Says:

    Much to love in this story, e.g. this bit about Carson’s plagiarism in college: “I had done it before without consequences and probably would have continued doing it if I had not been caught.”

    I’m particularly fascinated by this tactic, which I’ve never encountered before:

    “Sealey Yates, a spokesperson for the world-renowned neurosurgeon, thanked BuzzFeed for revealing Carson’s plagiarism. ‘If it is determined that additional citations or attribution are required, the appropriate revisions will be made in subsequent printings,’ Yates promised. ‘Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention.'”

    This is a bit like Al Capone telling Elliot Ness and the IRS, “Thank you for bringing these matters to my attention. If it is determined that additional taxes are owed, appropriate revisions will be made in subsequent returns. Now go away and leave me alone.”

  4. Margaret Soltan Says:

    Dr_Doctorstein: I had the same thought about the tactic. Thank you for bringing this to my attention!

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