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Scathing Online Schoolmarm Says:

Extremely good writers can take what you know, re-charge it, and scare you.

Margaret Soltan, July 15, 2016 1:19AM
Posted in: democracy, good writing, Scathing Online Schoolmarm

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One Response to “Scathing Online Schoolmarm Says:”

  1. theprofessor Says:

    UD, the historical ignorance of Mr. Gopnik beggars belief. He might want to acquaint himself with real American history–the part where after WW I, immigration was severely limited, and during the administration of none other than Franklin Delano Roosevelt was limited to a trickle. Why don’t we call the souls of hundreds of thousands of German Jews trying to flee to safety during the 1930s to testify about the helpfulness and welcoming they received at the hands of FDR and his posse? Mexicans? Good old Uncle Franklin not only continued but intensified the expulsion of Mexicans from the US begun under the Hoover administration. The good old days were just a bit more complicated than Mr. Gopnik and his fairy tales let on.

    And then we have this priceless sentence: “Trump is unstable, a liar, narcissistic, contemptuous of the basic norms of political life, and deeply embedded among the most paranoid and irrational of conspiracy theorists.” Hmm…liar, narcissistic, contemptuous not just of the basic norms of political but of just about everyone, and deeply embedded in a world of paranoid haters like Jeremiah Wright, Bill Ayers, Al Sharpton, and now BLM…remind you of anyone? A failed godlet prattling about himself on stage in front of a forest of fake Greek columns?

    Can it be that Barack Obama and Donald Trump are actually long-lost brothers? Or at least cousins?

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