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“Never mind the stupidity of awarding this guy a multimillion dollar contract and firing him a few months later.”

Yes, never mind.

Hush now.

Listen up: This is a university, where people are smart. What we did was smart. This is what we did.

In [Bob] Diaco’s three years as head coach, UConn’s football squad ran up an 11-26 record. This year, the team was 3-9, and on Monday, athletic director David Benedict announced that Diaco was out, effective Jan. 2.

Under his original contract, firing Diaco in early 2017 would have cost the school $800,000. But last May – after Diaco’s second season, in which the team had six wins and six losses – UConn agreed to a contract extension that increased its buyout obligation to $3.4 million.

Six/Six. 6/6.


Fucking Six/Six Man!


The board of trustees got a major boner when we did that good.  Plus we got scared!  We thought:  Now that Diaco’s so hot hundreds of other programs are gonna wanna snap him up!  Don’t let him get away!  Don’t let him get away!


Oh but look.  We lost the boner.  Oh no.


Now you have to give us the money to give the man who gave us the boner that went down.



Margaret Soltan, December 28, 2016 8:10AM
Posted in: sport

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One Response to ““Never mind the stupidity of awarding this guy a multimillion dollar contract and firing him a few months later.””

  1. JND Says:

    “making him the third-highest-paid state employee, trailing only the UConn head basketball coaches”

    What do Yankees know about winning college football? If this were a school in the South, the football coach would damn well be the HIGHEST-paid state employee.

    It’s no wonder he only went 6-6 in his best year.

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