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A UDesque Christmas Prayer

Caretaker! take care, for we run in straits.
Daily, by night, we walk naked to storm,
some threat of wholesale loss, to ruinous fear.
Gift us with long cloaks & adrenalin.

Who haunt the avenues of Angkor Wat
recalling all that prayer, that glory dispersed,
haunt me at the corner of Fifth & Hennepin.
Shield & fresh fountain! Manifester! Even mine.

John Berryman

Margaret Soltan, December 25, 2017 7:37AM
Posted in: poem

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3 Responses to “A UDesque Christmas Prayer”

  1. dmf Says:


  2. Margaret Soltan Says:

    Perfect Christmas gift, dmf. Thank you. Ideal background music for my current snowy Boston view.

  3. dmf Says:

    my pleasure, thanks for making an isle of sanity in the midst of all the daily storms and stresses.

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