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‘4 football players, including QB Jett Duffey, starting CB Des Smith and starting WR Quan Shorts arrested on one of the biggest days in #TexasTech sports history. SMH. This program.’

Shaking My Head, the man says. Shaking my head cuz one day before the big scrimmage a chunk of the team attacked police and property outside a bar last night. This program, the man says.

But it isn’t just the program, right? Texas Tech is a university; a university whose current national rank is #176 , down twenty points from a couple of years ago. A real trailer park of a place, with violent tailgaters, sadistic coaches, 1500 current lawsuits from dismissed sadistic coaches, a freshman who a few weeks ago got annoyed and took his handgun out and blew the head off of a campus security guy, and, well, there’s jest a ton of stuff like that about this great Lubbock institution. Ask me about Alberto Gonzales!

So … shaking your head? You live in the world’s biggest academic shithole. There’s not enough room in all that shit to move your head, let alone shake it.


UD thanks JND.

Margaret Soltan, March 25, 2018 7:11PM
Posted in: sport

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2 Responses to “‘4 football players, including QB Jett Duffey, starting CB Des Smith and starting WR Quan Shorts arrested on one of the biggest days in #TexasTech sports history. SMH. This program.’”

  1. Keith Says:

    Colleges receive more applications when their basketball teams do well


  2. Margaret Soltan Says:

    Keith: And what’s the quality of the people who apply? Basically a large number of applicants is exactly what you’d expect, given that the high-profile success of a basketball/football team has attracted general attention. But while a few high-quality additional applications may be expected (according to the studies that have been done), the main thing you’re getting is exactly what you’d expect: Applications from people who are going to help keep schools like Texas Tech and Auburn and U Nebraska and Louisville and so many others exactly what they are and will always be, despite the attention and the money that have come from athletics: sports factories.

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