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‘GOP Men Let Lady Attorney ask Lady Accuser Questions about Fine Man Kavanaugh’

Best headline today.

Margaret Soltan, September 26, 2018 2:34PM
Posted in: good writing

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One Response to “‘GOP Men Let Lady Attorney ask Lady Accuser Questions about Fine Man Kavanaugh’”

  1. theprofessor Says:

    Lots of rage over a GOP tactic that cleverly elicited that Blasey was a liar(will she paddle a canoe to her next Hawaiian vacation?), a total tool of Dirty Di (doesn’t know who paid for the polygraph?–lol), and not only made her toss her bff under the bus, but if taken seriously, suggests that she left said bff in the clutches of rapey drunk boys without saying a word to her. What a friend, eh? No campaign commercial moments with some old white Republican guy asking her semi-pointed questions about her own drunken teenage years, the milieu of which is nicely captured by her own institution’s yearbooks that some wise person managed to download before they were vanished from the Internet.

    The somewhat surprising thing is that after nearly three months of undoubtedly frantic research and wheedling, no pussy-hat-wearing classmate could be found to remember that, hey–she was at the party too. It all goes back to timelines. BK’s calendars are not, of course, unique, nor are mountains of family scrapbooks with lovingly annotated places and dates, especially in the affluent realms BK and CB grew up in. The more named people who are injected into the mix, the more difficult to be sure that one of them doesn’t have some ironclad evidence of having been elsewhere. It’s one thing entirely to sign a statement saying “we believe Christine” and quite another to put yourself in the cross-hairs of a perjury investigation. My guess is that not only do the committee investigators have fairly detailed timelines for the two other boys that summer, but BK has only laid some of his cards on the table, and that there were probably other family events not on the calendars for which evidence can be provided in case someone decides to roll the dice and claim the party took place on some open date. This, of course, is why the committee Democrats want yet another FBI investigation. They need a definite date at which the current 5 named individuals + a perjurer to be designated were demonstrably in town on the same day and available at the same time. You also need to be sure that the weather was cooperative (no swimming on rainy or stormy days), and of course, you need to be sure the pool was actually open.

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