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The Closing of the American Professor

Worry about your obsolescence (if you’re a humanities professor) here.


I had an incorrect link earlier this morning. Many thanks to Barb, a reader, for pointing it out.

Margaret Soltan, January 19, 2009 10:58AM
Posted in: defenses of liberal education

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6 Responses to “The Closing of the American Professor”

  1. Barb Says:

    I followed the link, which took me to the BBC’s news page, but did not see anything that referred to the topic – maybe the page updated past it? Anyway, did you see Stanley Fish’s column on this same topic in today’s NY Times?

  2. Margaret Soltan Says:

    Whoops – That’s what I thought I was linking to. The Fish. Thanks for catching the error!

  3. Dance Says:

    But the link isn’t fixed….?

  4. Margaret Soltan Says:

    Just fixed it. I think…

  5. francofou Says:

    What took Fish so long to realize he was out of water?

  6. Oso Raro Says:

    Donoghue seems to be channeling an older argument, but with the exaltation of Fish, no doubt there will be plenty of hand wringing. I have more to say, of course, but must tend to dinner on the grill (in the middle of winter).

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