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Read my book, TEACHING BEAUTY IN DeLILLO, WOOLF, AND MERRILL (Palgrave Macmillan; forthcoming), co-authored with Jennifer Green-Lewis. VISIT MY BRANCH CAMPUS AT INSIDE HIGHER ED

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Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Part Three, Larry and James

James: "An incredibly minute portion of the book which doesn't really have anything to do with the central message of the book... is being picked apart... It's a selective recollection of my life...Changing names and identities to protect people...I mean Larry I've acknowledged I've changed things... You get into a very sticky situation... mug shots have appeared of at least two events where I've been arrested... I had a very very troubled past... It's a book about redemption and pain and family... I don't think I was a bad guy, I think I was a flawed person...I mean like I said I'm certainly never gonna write another book about myself...This has been a very difficult week for me... I've been shocked by the furor that has erupted...That's what comes of selling a lot of copies and being part of Oprah's Book Club...That's what comes of success... Yeah I mean it was a huge honor being chosen by Oprah... and you know there's a cost that comes with success... What's really important to me more than success is the impact I feel the book has had on the lives of readers... I hope that readers don't desert the book... In the memoir genre the writer typically takes liberties... Of course this is gonna affect me... I hope my readership remains focused on what's going on here... I don't know if I would change anything, Larry, you know... I would submit this manuscript... part of growing up and becoming a better person is learning from the mistakes you make... You can't change the past..."

Yikes. Calls for James Frey coming up next.