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"Except for University Diaries, most academic blogs are tedious."
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except that Maureen Dowd is kind of a wrecking ball of a writer,
and Soltan isn't. For the life of me, I can't figure out her
politics, but she's pretty fabulous, so who gives a damn?"
(Tenured Radical)

Monday, April 17, 2006

Trying to
Wash Your Hands of
Mass Communications

Once again, UD's in Cambridge at an alien computer, so she can't yet provide the link, but this is from today's Boston Globe. It's about the ongoing effort to make journalism a respectable university subject, in part by decoupling it from 'mass communications':

"The journalism department at Boston University is abuzz with news. Bob Zelnick, the longtime ABC News correspondent who has chaired the department for four years, announced last week that he will step down in order to become professor of national and international affairs within the department. Zelnick said he hated the administrative aspects of the job, including the three hours each day he spent responding to e-mails.

On his way out, Zelnick started a debate about the nature of BU's College of Communication, arguing that journalism shouldn't be housed side-by-side with the department of mass communication, which includes advertising and public relations. The two, he said, should be treated as adversaries. Zelnick said the journalism program has become increasingly competitive with the best in the country, but 'we will never get a Grade A, first-rate, nationally recognized journalist to lead this department as long as it's linked' to mass communication."