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Thursday, August 24, 2006

An Edgily Cohabited World

The New York Times talks about some newly released police notes -- from a Sergeant Gottlieb -- about the Duke lacrosse case. It's a long article. Here are a few excerpts.

...[A]n examination of the entire 1,850 pages of evidence gathered by the prosecution [in the Duke University rape case] in the four months after the accusation yields a[n]... ambiguous picture. It shows that while there are big weaknesses in Mr. Nifong’s case, there is also a body of evidence to support his decision to take the matter to a jury.

...[I]n addition to the nurse’s oral description of injuries consistent with the allegation, Sergeant Gottlieb writes that the accuser appeared to be in extreme pain when he interviewed her two and a half days after the incident, and that signs of bruises emerged then as well.

...[The accuser] gave largely consistent accounts of being raped by three men in a bathroom.

...[In] Sergeant Gottlieb’s version of [a] conversation [about her attackers], her descriptions closely correspond to the defendants.

...[T]o read the files, with their graphically twined accusations of sexual violence and racial taunts, is to understand better why this case has radiated so powerfully from the edgily cohabited Southern world of Duke and Durham.