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UD is...
"Salty." (Scott McLemee)
"Unvarnished." (Phi Beta Cons)
"Splendidly splenetic." (Culture Industry)
"Except for University Diaries, most academic blogs are tedious."
(Rate Your Students)
"I think of Soltan as the Maureen Dowd of the blogosphere,
except that Maureen Dowd is kind of a wrecking ball of a writer,
and Soltan isn't. For the life of me, I can't figure out her
politics, but she's pretty fabulous, so who gives a damn?"
(Tenured Radical)

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Florida Atlantic University:

'[Barry] Kaye has donated more than $20 million to FAU. The business college bears his name, and he is a guest lecturer there. His business is a new industry in which investors buy life insurance policies of senior citizens in hopes that they will die sooner rather than later. He is known by the ads that use the title of his latest book: You Buy You Die It Pays!

[T]he business symposia the self-made millionaire conducts at FAU ... are marketed in full-page newspaper ads designed by FAU, carrying FAU's logo and Web address. He is not an FAU professor and holds no traditional Ph.D. Yet his brochures list him as an FAU professor and refer to him as "Dr. Barry Kaye."'

---palm beach post---