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Monday, September 11, 2006

Andrei Shleifer:
Harvard's Ambassador
to Russia

'Putin swiftly changed the subject. "There is a criminal case currently under way in the United States involving those who had been involved with privatizations in our country. It turned out that, one, they were CIA agents and, two, they lined their pockets at our expense."

Putin did not identify the purported agents, but he appeared to be referring to former Harvard professor Andrei Shleifer and his associate Jonathan Hay, who U.S. prosecutors say improperly invested in companies that they were helping the Russian government regulate in the 1990s.'

I'm pretty sure the case against Shleifer is over -- he had to pay out a few million of his ill-gotten gains to get past it -- and I'd be really surprised if a man interested exclusively in self-enrichment works for the CIA. More likely Putin's noting the criminality of Harvard keeping him on its faculty, as in "It's a crime that..."