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Read my book, TEACHING BEAUTY IN DeLILLO, WOOLF, AND MERRILL (Palgrave Macmillan; forthcoming), co-authored with Jennifer Green-Lewis. VISIT MY BRANCH CAMPUS AT INSIDE HIGHER ED

UD is...
"Salty." (Scott McLemee)
"Unvarnished." (Phi Beta Cons)
"Splendidly splenetic." (Culture Industry)
"Except for University Diaries, most academic blogs are tedious."
(Rate Your Students)
"I think of Soltan as the Maureen Dowd of the blogosphere,
except that Maureen Dowd is kind of a wrecking ball of a writer,
and Soltan isn't. For the life of me, I can't figure out her
politics, but she's pretty fabulous, so who gives a damn?"
(Tenured Radical)

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

How to Make
UD Happy

Come up to her after class and say: "Would you read this short story I just wrote? No rush... It's just that I can't get anything but 'This is good... This is good...' from the peer readers in my Creative Writing class. I want useful criticism of this thing, so I can really make it better, and the way you tear into short stories in class... well, I think you're what I'm looking for..."

UD has already begun reading the story. It's very good. But there's plenty of room for improvement. My red pen's been slashing through unsavory adjectives...