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UD is...
"Salty." (Scott McLemee)
"Unvarnished." (Phi Beta Cons)
"Splendidly splenetic." (Culture Industry)
"Except for University Diaries, most academic blogs are tedious."
(Rate Your Students)
"I think of Soltan as the Maureen Dowd of the blogosphere,
except that Maureen Dowd is kind of a wrecking ball of a writer,
and Soltan isn't. For the life of me, I can't figure out her
politics, but she's pretty fabulous, so who gives a damn?"
(Tenured Radical)

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Pauvre Ivan Tribble.

Not only does Prince Charles have a blog (plus video diary); "about a dozen or so [university] presidents, like Dr. McGuire [president of Washington DC's Trinity College], are vaulting the digital and generational divide and starting their own blogs."

Bob Johnson, a consultant to many universities on marketing, said he was mystified that university officials had not generally embraced blogs. Mr. Johnson said student blogs, for example, could be a “hugely effective” recruitment tool, even if they carried the implicit promise — or threat — of uncensored truth, however unflattering.

Mr. Johnson encourages presidents to be bold.

“Just because you can’t beat them,” he said, “doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do it yourself.”

Many thanks to my student, Rachael, for forwarding this to me.