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except that Maureen Dowd is kind of a wrecking ball of a writer,
and Soltan isn't. For the life of me, I can't figure out her
politics, but she's pretty fabulous, so who gives a damn?"
(Tenured Radical)

Saturday, June 09, 2007

'They Get More'

Her activity hasn't reached Greek levels yet, but the president of Chicago State University is certainly in there trying. She's been making free with public funds in order to take cruises and eat at fancy restaurants, etc.

[There was] sloppy record keeping and "numerous charges" to a university credit card, including meals, alcohol, cruise ship travel, theater tickets and first-class airfare, that were not supported by receipts, invoices or explanation... [There were] understatements of vacation and sick days, inadequate documentation of federal grants and miscalculation of financial aid.... Audit documents reviewed by the [Chicago] Tribune show about $19,000 in purchases Daniel made for the president's house, including some from the Home Shopping Network and Neiman Marcus. Most were not accompanied by receipts, according to the audit.

Neiman Marcus! For a modest school like Chicago State. Well, recall Patricia Slade's defense of her thievery at similarly modest Texas Southern University... The only way little schools become big schools is by thinking big!... And, you know, as Chicago State's president says of her compensation ($232,875 in salary, $75,000 for expenses on her university-owned house -- the president calls this "chump change," and at Neiman Marcus it certainly is -- $10,000 travel expenses for members of her family, etc.), plenty of other university presidents "get more."