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Sunday, October 21, 2007

Poor Poshard's Almanack

A reader sends UD the latest evisceration of poor Poshard.

'...[N]ow they tell me -- they being the SIU seven member faculty investigating committee -- that Poshard's padding his paper with multiple paragraphs copied verbatim from other sources, without quotes or footnotes, was "consistent with the style used at the time by other graduate students." Apparently, I was too naïve to know I could have saved hours and headaches [on my dissertation] by simply copying thousands of words from already published sources to submit as my own.

The seven committee members, who work for SIU President Poshard, assigned no penalty, told him he may keep his job and to correct his dissertation. They justified their October 12th decision on the basis that SIU had no "definition" or "code of conduct" regarding plagiarism in the olden days of 1984.

... Are my ears not working right, or is this not the number one educator at a state university, echoing the same tired claims of countless students caught cheating in school over the years?

What is even more embarrassing to everyone else in higher education is the rationalizing of the SIU investigating committee.

...In Glenn Poshard's doctoral thesis about programs in education for the gifted, the committee found 14 passages copied from other sources without citations (presenting others' findings as his own), and 16 other passages copied and cited, but not placed in quotations (presenting others' words as his own).

Thousands of students in American schools have received F's for considerably less.

Glenn Poshard can keep his job, if SIU still wants him.

But his degree is another matter. Degrees and diplomas are supposed to be guarantees, and his does not guarantee the scholarship and integrity it's supposed to...'

Good idea. Take the degree away.

See if he can do it right this time.