July 26th, 2024
July 13th, 2024
June 29th, 2024
‘“I might say that violence is a public health crisis. I’m not sure what putting that word ‘gun’ in front of it does,” George Mocsary, a University of Wyoming law professor and co-founder of the UW Firearms Research Center, told Cowboy State Daily.’

Yes. That’s why no one talks about nuclear disarmament; the problem is violence, not the means of violence.

May 23rd, 2024
April 9th, 2024
Statement from Nicole Beausoleil, about her daughter, at the Crumbley sentencing.

“While you were purchasing a gun for your son and leaving it unlocked, I was helping her finish her college essays. When you knew the gun was missing, you called the police, knowing it was your son that took it. I was having family call every hospital describing what she looked like. While you were hiding [from the police], I was planning her funeral.

The negligent parents of a high school mass shooter get 10 – 15 year sentences.

March 26th, 2024
A bridge dies in UD’s Baltimore City.

‘The vessel notified MD Department of Transportation (MDOT) that they had lost control of the vessel and an allision with the bridge was possible.’

Yup. An allision is an accident in which only one ship is moving.

February 24th, 2024
January 8th, 2024
Motorcycle repair…

Blue City, Jodhpur.

November 8th, 2023
Whenever a new island …

appears, UD likes to post this great James Merrill poem:


From air seen fathom-deep
But rising to a head –
Abscess of the abyss
Any old night letting rip
Its fires, yearlong,
As roundabout waves hiss –

Jaded by untold blue
Subversions, watered-down
Moray and Spaniard…
Now to construe
In the original
Those at first arid, hard,

Soon rootfast, ramifying,
Always more fruitful
Dialogues with light.
Various dimwit under-
graduate types will wonder
At my calm height

Vapors by then surmounted
(Merely another phase?)
And how in time I trick
Out my new “shores” and “bays”
With small craft, shrimpers
Bars and rhetoric.

Darkly the Old Ones grumble
I’ll hate all that. Hate words,
Their schooling flame?
The spice grove chatted up
By small gray knowing birds?
Myself given a name?

Waves, as your besetting
Depth-wish recedes,
I’m surfacing, I’m home!
Open the atlas. Here:
This dot, securely netted
Under the starry dome.

(Unlike this page – no sooner
Brought to the pool than wafted
Out of reach, laid flat
Face-up on cool glares, ever
So lightly swayed, or swaying…
Now who did that?)



More analysis.

November 8th, 2023
Girls Gone Wild

Three women have been arrested for allegedly physically assaulting a hijab enforcer in an incident in the Tehran Metro.

According to Abbas Karami-Rad, the head of the Tehran Metro Police, the incident occurred on Saturday afternoon when one woman approached three others to admonish them regarding their hijabs. 

He stated that the situation escalated, leading to the three women “attacking her and physically assaulting her.” Subsequently, the three women were taken into custody.


Expect more of this. Passive resistance is of course all over the country; huge numbers of women won’t wear the hijab. Active resistance is a thing too.


Great pic!

August 12th, 2023
Beautiful but cloudy Bay sky last night…

… so no meteor shower. Will try again tonight.

March 31st, 2023
September 25th, 2022

July 1st, 2022
(Mandel Ngan/AFP via Getty Images)
June 8th, 2022
Sing it.

Let’s Hang on to Farkhad’s Yacht


There ain’t no good in our untyin’

The super sloop we made ours and my-en

But he’s cryin’…


Let’s hang on to Farkhad’s yacht!

Don’t let go now, we’ve got a lot

Got a lot of yacht between us
Hang on, hang on, hang on, to Farkhad’s yacht


He says that he and Vlad are gonna have a sit

Gonna end Ukraine and make the Russians quit

Make it up (Yes Putin really said it!)

Make it up (He says we won’t regret it!)


That little slip of army in Ukraine –

You give your personal word it won’t be back again

But you know it’s hard to believe

But you know we think you might deceive

Farkhad don’t you know

We don’t want the yacht to go


Let’s hang on to Farkhad’s yacht

Don’t let go now we’ve got a lot

Got a lot of yacht between us

Hang on hang on hang on to Farkhad’s yacht…

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