July 22nd, 2024
It’s getting harder to prostitute your mcmansion.

Basically it’s an empty whorehouse; might as well make money off whores.

But the coppers are on to you, bro!

July 20th, 2024
There’ll always be a San Francisco.

… Phil Matier, a former political columnist at the San Francisco Chronicle, … asked all the [mayoral] candidates: Would you support criminal consequences for homelessness? 

Unsurprisingly, most candidates didn’t have a straight answer, and many tried to deflect the question. But the moderator pressed each until they gave their position. 

[Ahsha] Safaí deflected until the moderator had to jump in and ask him for a clear answer on whether he supported criminal consequences or not. Safaí could only offer “maybe,” which left the crowd laughing. 

July 19th, 2024
O City city…

Our postmodern Waste Lands get all turned and twisted…

1] Nawlins don’t do gun control, and as things along those lines get even worse (concealed carry, blahblah) AND as murders remain astounding, the city’s gotta do some real thinkin bout how to keep the carnage to a reasonable level… Reasonable defined here as before the point at which local hospitals are so overwhelmed that the city’s gotta pay for the bloodied to be coptered out.

Now keep in mind that the state of Louisiana could give a shit about educating its people, so it takes a whole hell of a lot for it to, say, open a school. But lookee here – the city came up with a devilishly clever go ’round in response to the latest BIG GUNS FOR ALL legislation there.

The plan is to open a vocational-technical school in the Eighth District Police Station. According to state law, guns are prohibited within 1,000 feet of a school. Signage will alert visitors of the firearm-free zone.

IN. IN the police station. See what they did there? At least the cops will have a small measure of protection. And if the price is having to educate at least a small slice of the population, so be it.

2] It’s official. SF has declared that after almost a decade of massive, city-destroying, filth and crime, the time for compassion is over.

‘We have had to move from a compassionate city to a city of accountability, and I have been leading the efforts to ensure that we are addressing this issue differently than we have before,’ [the mayor] said on Thursday in a change of tack on the issue. 

‘We are going to be very aggressive and assertive in moving encampments which may even include criminal penalties,’ she explained, with the ‘sweeps’ scheduled to begin in less than two weeks once staff are retrained to follow new legal guidance.

Of course, aside from the fact that there’s nothing remotely compassionate about what SF has been doing all these years, I think the city will find that thousands of people who have long considered themselves owners of the city’s streets will not be very nice about the change of tack.

July 17th, 2024
The Spy Who Came in From the Vuitton

So it hit the wires (see post below this one) only an hour or so ago — though Sue-Mi Terry seems to have been spying for South Korea for almost two decades! — but already at lunch UD and Mr UD were all over the story, wondering in particular if Terry’s famous neo-con mate, Max Boot, could possibly NOT have known what the missus was up to.

“Did she rent a storage unit for the luxury bags? If not, he had to ask himself how she managed to own three million dollars worth of clutch purses,” mused UD.

“And… she’d have to have a separate bank account for the South Korean cash,” said Mr UD. “But basically it would be hard as hell to hide what she was up to, and what she was earning in gifts and cash, from him.”


In short, Les UDs, FWIW, figure her husband probably knew.

July 17th, 2024
‘Okay so I’ll have one of these ones and one of those ones’

The indictment includes photographs of [Sue Mi] Terry meeting with South Korean officials who prosecutors contend served as her “handlers” for that country’s National Intelligence Service, including photos of one agent shopping for a Louis Vuitton handbag with Terry in a Washington store and the two of them departing together, with the agent carrying it in a shopping bag.

June 22nd, 2024
‘The lawyer representing Mrs Macron and Mr Trogneux presented their electoral cards to the court, proving that they had both voted in the European Elections on June 9 – in different towns.’

Ah, but the “Mrs” Macron one was a body double!

June 21st, 2024


June 19th, 2024
Louisiana solidifies its ranking as the worst state in the union.

What more can we do, its legislature asked, to make sure that for all time and in all categories we rank at the very bottom?

Oh. Right!

June 12th, 2024
“Look at me, look at me. I’m German, from Germany. My heritage is German. You come after me. I’m gonna give it back to you. And there will be a way, it doesn’t have to be now, but there will be a way they will know. Don’t worry about it,” she said.



“Mrs. Alito’s comments do not sound better in the original German.”

May 23rd, 2024
‘Put Out More Flags’ is the title Evelyn Waugh came up with over sixty years ago for the Samuel Alito…

story, a story with all the sordid absurdity of Waugh’s novel (which features a character named Trumpington!).

And what will the third Alito flag be? I’m gonna predict he keeps a little ancestral home somewhere in the old country which flies this:

May 18th, 2024
Under-delivering? I’ll say.

“I don’t quite understand how we can be paying people who aren’t on the payroll or paying an invoice without checking it and how we can have care being delivered and not know they are under-delivering,” [said a Kent County councillor].

May 8th, 2024
Noem Goes Hoem

With her tail between her legs.

May 8th, 2024
Kristi Noem on her way to…

dispatch them.

May 8th, 2024
‘Asked last week if any of Mr. Kennedy’s health issues could compromise his fitness for the presidency, Stefanie Spear, a spokeswoman for the Kennedy campaign, told The Times, “That is a hilarious suggestion, given the competition.”’

And besides, the brain parasite is dead.

May 4th, 2024
King Lear by Kristi; Folsom Prison Blues by Kristi

Howl, howl, howl, howl! O you are a bad puppy!

As for your tongue, and eyes, I shoot them so,

That Heav’ns vault should crack. O good she is gone forever!


A reader writes:

Folsom Prison Blues by Kristi

When I was just a baby,
my mama told me, “Kris,
don’t ever kill a puppy
your daughter’s gonna miss.”

But I shot a dog named Cricket
just to watch her die.
When that didn’t cure my bloodlust,
I gave the goat a try.

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