August 27th, 2024
Mohammed Said al-Sahhaf shares the great news about…

New College!

August 23rd, 2024
‘Tompkins told Duzer that Kunin’s course was “a direct attack on Black thought.” [Kunin] is a part of a tradition of “literary right-wingers’’ who want “to Make Aesthetics Great Again (MAGA) and who wish to ignore difference (race, etc.).’

A lengthy piece in the Chronicle of Higher Education features a Pomona College English professor who thinks an interest in aesthetics on the part of a literature professor is not merely racist, but just about the worst racism in America: Trump racism.

It’s a disgusting claim, but useful to mention here, since it goes to the mindless (j’accuse MAGA racists of considering the formal properties of Liberty Leading the People!) but sometimes effective bullying that exists in more than a few departments/administrations.

The real point of the bullying in the Pomona instance is simply intellectual turf-protection: One professor is outraged that another professor wants to teach a course that trespasses on territory she owns, you see.

After all, if this professor truly cares about the work of Ralph Ellison (the writer in question) being broadly taught to the largest number of students, she will welcome additional courses on him.

August 20th, 2024
Headline of the Day

DC City Council Member Who Said Jews Control the Weather Arrested by FBI

He demanded only three percent to hand out contracts, a very low number based on the only career extorter UD has known. Her acquaintance, Asif Ali Zardari, was known as Mr Ten Percent

But, based on FBI recordings of Trayon White, he had plans to expand his field of corruption, and I wouldn’t be surprised if this involved increasing his percentage too. We shall never know.

What we can be pretty sure of is that, under pressure, White will reveal more of the workings of the Jews, which will turn out to involve their having taken over the FBI. I thought it was the Mormons.

August 16th, 2024
Update: Rome

The city returns to nature.

“A snake was captured by a seagull and dropped on to a terrace,” he said. “The city has become a proper jungle.”

August 9th, 2024
‘Tampon Tim’…

“quickly falls apart,” leaving the Trump campaign in …

… toxic shock.

August 9th, 2024

Tampon Tim!

Toadstool-Dick Don!


JD Vance has issued an official comment: “Tampon Tim made it easier for teenagers to staunch the very blood they should be glorying in, the blood that marks their initiation into reproductive culture. Let them bleed all over the school cafeteria! Let their precious blood flow unstaunched by soulless penetrative technology. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN”

August 5th, 2024
JD Vance and the Upcoming Erection

He has promoted Viktor Orban’s pro-natalist policies in Hungary, which offer paybacks to married couples that scale up along with the number of children…

Let’s stop beating around the vice-presidential bush: While Kamala Harris’s choice – probably Tim Walz – is a mild-mannered older person with two kids, Vance “The Lance” is a raging bull with three kids in quick succession and certainly more to come, if he takes seriously his pro-stiffy convictions.

Pragmatically, after all, the central pillar of anti-IVF natalism (no techno-cheating!) must be what Morrissey, winner of the 2015 Bad Sex in Fiction Award, dubs one’s “bulbous salutation.” Absent a willingness to scale up the “large pink prong,” as novelist/critic Edmund Wilson called his, there’s not going to be any other form of scaling up, Hungarian or what have you.


A Trump/Vance pro-natalist presidency would perhaps feature graphic encouragement to men along these lines… So for instance take this Pyongyang poster:

Lose the Korean writing, and alter the exploding shaft to look more like a phallus, and imagine this image flashing at you day and night in the middle of Times Square. That sort of thing.

August 5th, 2024
Dispatches from Operation Enduring Freedom: The Fight Against Donald Trump.

On the vp front: UD‘s thinking that if the Harris campaign’s going to press hard on the weird thing, her pick might be the inventor of the weird meme, Tim Walz. A mere Wiki acquaintance with the guy uncovers abysms of unweird. Tales of the Unweird. Crypts of the Unweird. Nights of the Living Unweird. He’s a sixty year old boy scout, a ramrod-straight product of a world UD – evil right coaster – will never know.

Let’s scrutinize. Working from top to bottom: Bad haircut, goony glasses, flannel shirts, slight beer belly… everything about him’s authentically askew. He’s so deeply him. Up against hillbilly turned cat obsessive Vance, he will look like Harry Truman on steroids. Sounds like Truman too, with that flat prairie twang. No fancy schmancy lectures about the therapeutic society from this Chadron State College-trained high school geography teacher, babe! Tim Walz won’t be checking your sheets for spilled sperm. He’ll let you decide how you want to bonk.

August 5th, 2024
‘Usha Vance Responds to Media’s “Caticature” of Her Husband’

“I wish people would paws and catually hissten to the words he says and try to understand their preening and purrpose.”

Just cannot get away from it.

July 31st, 2024
And you thought Biden was bad.

Asked what [Trump] meant when he once said immigrants were taking “Black jobs,” he said: “A Black job is anybody who has a job.”

July 30th, 2024
The ad is wild. Things are getting wild.

Democrats have already had a field day with Vance’s “childless cat lady” comments. There are signs they will take aim at Republicans’ broader concern with procreation and the birthrate, too.

On Monday, a super PAC aimed at youth voters called Won’t PAC Down posted an ad to X suggesting that Republicans’ focus on people’s private sexual conduct is just plain “weird,” drawing on an attack line that has been deployed by Harris and some of her allies.

“Your genitals are reserved for procreation,” says an elderly white man in a sweater vest, as ominous music plays.

July 29th, 2024

Soviet or post-Soviet, Vance’s best bud.

July 22nd, 2024
It’s getting harder to prostitute your mcmansion.

Basically it’s an empty whorehouse; might as well make money off whores.

But the coppers are on to you, bro!

July 20th, 2024
There’ll always be a San Francisco.

… Phil Matier, a former political columnist at the San Francisco Chronicle, … asked all the [mayoral] candidates: Would you support criminal consequences for homelessness? 

Unsurprisingly, most candidates didn’t have a straight answer, and many tried to deflect the question. But the moderator pressed each until they gave their position. 

[Ahsha] Safaí deflected until the moderator had to jump in and ask him for a clear answer on whether he supported criminal consequences or not. Safaí could only offer “maybe,” which left the crowd laughing. 

July 19th, 2024
O City city…

Our postmodern Waste Lands get all turned and twisted…

1] Nawlins don’t do gun control, and as things along those lines get even worse (concealed carry, blahblah) AND as murders remain astounding, the city’s gotta do some real thinkin bout how to keep the carnage to a reasonable level… Reasonable defined here as before the point at which local hospitals are so overwhelmed that the city’s gotta pay for the bloodied to be coptered out.

Now keep in mind that the state of Louisiana could give a shit about educating its people, so it takes a whole hell of a lot for it to, say, open a school. But lookee here – the city came up with a devilishly clever go ’round in response to the latest BIG GUNS FOR ALL legislation there.

The plan is to open a vocational-technical school in the Eighth District Police Station. According to state law, guns are prohibited within 1,000 feet of a school. Signage will alert visitors of the firearm-free zone.

IN. IN the police station. See what they did there? At least the cops will have a small measure of protection. And if the price is having to educate at least a small slice of the population, so be it.

2] It’s official. SF has declared that after almost a decade of massive, city-destroying, filth and crime, the time for compassion is over.

‘We have had to move from a compassionate city to a city of accountability, and I have been leading the efforts to ensure that we are addressing this issue differently than we have before,’ [the mayor] said on Thursday in a change of tack on the issue. 

‘We are going to be very aggressive and assertive in moving encampments which may even include criminal penalties,’ she explained, with the ‘sweeps’ scheduled to begin in less than two weeks once staff are retrained to follow new legal guidance.

Of course, aside from the fact that there’s nothing remotely compassionate about what SF has been doing all these years, I think the city will find that thousands of people who have long considered themselves owners of the city’s streets will not be very nice about the change of tack.

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