October 5th, 2024
England/Wales finally sent one of the fuckers to prison for four years. Do you think there’s any way they can actually keep him there for his full sentence? It would be nice.

It’s normal, he explained in his defense against a criminal sentence for planning a child’s genital mutilation and then forced marriage to him (he’s 47; his would-be slave is described only as a child, but knowing this world as UD does after years of blogging about it, I’m gonna guess she’s around nine), normal to perform sexual amputation of a child and then marry her.

Can you imagine more total possession of a slave? And of course he’s right. Hundreds of millions of little girls around the world have their sex organs pulled off and are then married off. 230 million have had FGM done, in Africa, Asia, and the Middle East.

Well, but Europe. Hm, Europe. Everybody knows it goes on in certain neighborhoods, but it’s hard to prove if the child-slayers don’t leave chatty messages about it on their phones, the way this guy did.

America? Remember Johns Hopkins’ finest – Jumana Nagarwala. And we couldn’t even convict her. I’m sure she’s long since sharpened her scalpel again.

September 17th, 2024
The next thing is to make sure his sentence is as long as possible. And when he gets out, deport him.

A nice little PhD student in nice little Nottingham arranged to have the clitoris and vaginal lips of a child ripped off, after which he would force her to marry him, a 47 year old male stranger.

He will go to jail.

August 2nd, 2024
In the wake of Gambia’s close call…

… — the idiots almost legalized female genital mutilation — The Lancet runs an editorial which will really annoy Alan Dershowitz and other FGM enthusiasts.

Elimination of FGM has primarily focused on the role of traditional cutters—community elders with no medical training. What has been largely ignored in FGM elimination campaigns is the increasing role played by trained medical professionals. An estimated 52 million girls and women have been subjected to FGM at the hands of health-care workers—one in four cases. This medicalisation is gaining traction. Sudan, Egypt, and Indonesia have some of the highest percentages of medicalised FGM. The involvement of health-care workers not only promotes the false belief that FGM is safe, but also normalises and thereby perpetuates the practice, hindering elimination.

So ladies, take your pick: Filthy slashers, or killer docs.

July 5th, 2024
 “FGM almost by definition is an offence committed within particular cultures.”

“We are clear that the fact that FGM is considered appropriate within such cultures can be of no relevance to the seriousness of the offence. The practice is criminalised by UK law.”

And with that, a British court tossed out a mutilator’s attempt to shorten her seven year sentence for taking a THREE YEAR OLD overseas to have her clitoris sawed off.


And see the reason the judge’s comments went to culture is that the woman’s attorney said you know I mean in her culture I mean it’s absolutely fine to do this to babies! She had to or she’d have been ostracized! It’s that important.

So if it’s that important you shouldn’t mind spending a few years in jail for it. I mean, you must be really popular in your baby clit slitting culture now.

March 19th, 2024
‘“If people are being arrested for practicing F.G.M., then that means they are being deprived of their right to practice religion,” one member of parliament [said]… The most vocal of the Gambian imams, Abdoulie Fatty, has argued that “circumcision makes you cleaner” and has said the husbands of women who have not been cut suffer because they cannot meet their wives’ sexual appetites.’

FGM comes back to Gambia.

May 17th, 2023
“Islam forbids female circumcision.” 

This year’s Templeton Prize winner is an African woman who has made it her life’s work to destroy this scourge. Her against-all-odds life story is every bit as inspirational as you’d imagine. At age 85, she’s busy training hundreds of midwives at the hospital she founded.

October 18th, 2022
NYT goes head to head with the fun button.

Color UD mildly shocked but pleased to see this quite explicit article. Reading its concern about how best to have a clitoris, and then enjoying the sometimes hilarious comments on the piece (“Yes, yes. But what about inflation?”), UD kept thinking about the simple solution to the problem offered all over the world to more than two hundred million women.

Haha, I mean not offered; imposed. When they’re children.



As long as we have people like Alan Dershowitz in the United States (and, on the other side, Ilhan Omar), female genital mutilation will continue to be a popular option among some groups even here. England’s got a rampant case of it.

Entire religious groups, like India’s Dawoodi Bohra, make it the centerpiece of their spiritual practice.

It’s nice that the 164.8 million women in the US get to live in a country whose paper of record cares about their sexual pleasure. It’s disgusting that 200 million (and growing) women – children – outside the US endure the forced amputation of sexual pleasure.

July 18th, 2022
Female Genital Mutilators’ Best Friend Shunned on Martha’s Vineyard.

The brilliant lawyer who came to the defense of a conspiracy of doctors slicing off the genitalia of many eight year old girls in Michigan cannot understand why people don’t like him.

I don’t get it either. The stories he can tell around the dinner table!

So they like do it under cover of night and lie to the little girls that they’re going for a trip to an amusement park or whatever haha. And then the doctor ties her down because you know she’s gonna bolt when she figures out… Hey why aren’t you guys laughing?

January 2nd, 2022
‘Though I am essentially a secular Jew, I do belong to Orthodox, Conservative, Reform, and Reconstructionist congregations.’

In the wake of Ghislaine Maxwell’s resounding guilty verdict, most people have their eye on the fate of sketchy Prince Andrew; but people like UD, who write about universities, are more interested in Jeffrey Epstein’s stable of Harvard girls (see this brief discussion), prominent among whom is the most peculiar Alan Dershowitz, Harvard’s highest profile emeritus, and a man accused of having sex on several occasions with an underage Epstein slave.

A most peculiar man. My headline is a sentence from the beginning of his book The Vanishing American Jew and ya know it makes me wonder what’s goin on what’s goin on…

On the simplest level, given Dershowitz’s lifelong gnawing ambition, you could argue this is a clever thing to say if you want to launch a best-seller that appeals to Jews of all stripes – the sentence squeezes into itself, and allows Dershowitz to identify with, every possible iteration of “Jew.”

You could be less cynical and applaud the man’s ecumenicism or something… But if you’re secular and you make a point of joining a raft of religious congregations it’s …. peculiar. Why does he do that? Does he actually attend (on a revolving basis?) each of them? Is he, at this late date (he’s 83) still at sea, bobbing from one religious practice to another?


If you look at the ferocity with which he has, in his legal practice, defended female genital mutilators, and, more to the point, in his writing, defended male genital mutilators (he calls people opposed to circumcision Nazis), it’s clear that he’s really not out to sea at all; far from being secular, he fervently defends the most grotesque and fundamentalist of religious practices.

I mean, this isn’t just defense for the sake of money or attention – his heart’s really in it. Religious people who want to nick away at infant clitorises deserve the highest possible representation.

It’s hard to imagine a truly secular person convincing herself that female genital mutilation is a defense-worthy form of religious freedom. And since most decent people find FGM appalling, it’s hard to imagine any respectable attorney taking on the vile Dawoodi Bohra sect and its ways. But Dershowitz calls the millions of decent people opposed to male baby mutilation Nazis, and the millions of decent people opposed to female baby mutilation enemies of religious liberty.

No one with these views – views he forcefully writes about/acts upon – can comfortably be called secular. Not to mention his membership in four Jewish congregations.


Most peculiar. And not to put too fine a point on it, but – does the fact that he stands accused of child sexual abuse seem not entirely out of line here?

Now that we’re done with Ghislaine Maxwell, we may be able to answer this question… “Harvard lawyer Alan Dershowitz vehemently denies wrongdoing but he has questions to answer. His primary accuser, Virginia Roberts Giuffre, stands by her story that she was required to have sex with him on multiple occasions.” Oh, and plus: I hope someone somewhere at Harvard is beginning to think about damage control.

September 30th, 2021
Judge Throws Out Detroit FGM Case.

The only consolation: Now lots of people know about India’s sickening Bohra community; they also know the now-notorious name Jumana Nagarwala.

UD again calls on Johns Hopkins University to rescind her medical degree.

September 17th, 2021
America’s Female Genital Mutilators, Under Assault Yet Again by the Federal Government, Ask: Where is our great defender, our hero, the famous American attorney willing to stake his career and reputation on the defense of the mutilation of seven year old girls’ clitorides? Come back, Alan Dershowitz: WE NEED YOU!

You got our traveling band of secret clit slashers out of trouble once; but now the feds are after us again with a whole new set of charges! Alan, as pious as we, understands that God wants – demands! – circumcision as much for our girl babies as for our boy babies, and he put his whole heart and soul into our first trial. Our worry is that Alan’s personal struggle against sex trafficking charges will make him less available than he was before. But our hope is based upon the fervency of his defense of child circumcision.

September 1st, 2020
A recipient of the 2020 Mandela Prize says something rather beautiful.

[Dr. Morissanda] Kouyaté said he’d noticed the misconception that FGM is embedded in African culture and has seen that belief perpetuated even in academia.

“FGM is never part of any culture because culture is the sum of good practices, it’s the sum of the values of a group of human beings or entire countries, it is added value,” Kouyaté said. “Culture is positive. Cutting the genitals of girls is not a part of culture, it’s just tradition, bad tradition.”

August 10th, 2020
Ladies, it’s never too late…

for a trim!

July 23rd, 2020
‘Ismail Berdiyev, a leading mufti from the North Caucasus, said several years ago that [Female Genital Mutilation] should be carried out on “all women,” to reduce “depravity.”‘

“When I asked my former husband why he had this done, he literally said: ‘So that she doesn’t get turned on,'” she says.

Two snapshots from an article about an upcoming FGM trial in god-forsaken Ingushetia, Russian Federation. A woman’s ex-husband secretly had their nine-year-old daughter held down by four strangers while another stranger sliced off her genitals.

Bravo, says the leading mufti.

Maybe the doctor who performed it will get a fine or something, which is I guess about as much as one might expect. Given local depravity.

July 20th, 2020
Sudan Impact…

… won’t amount to much, especially if you’re a woman. And in any case thousands of Sudanese are already in the streets, incredibly pissed off that they will have a slightly harder time slicing their babies’ clits off and killing infidels and homosexuals.

UD‘s talking about that country’s recent withdrawal of some of their more macabre sharia morsels. FGM for instance is indeed illegal now, but it’s been illegal in Egypt for years and even so almost ninety percent of the girls living there today have been relieved of that obscenity, the capacity for female sexual pleasure.

UD assures you that the only cutting edge Sudan is on is this one.

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