January 7th, 2025
David Lodge, hilarious chronicler of academia, dies.

UD will always admire the monologue he gave Fulvia Morgana, the way-rich, sybaritic Italian Marxist in Small World:

Of course I recognize the contradictions in our way of life, but those are the very contradictions characteristic of the last phase of bourgeois capitalism, which will eventually cause it to collapse. By renouncing our own little bit of privilege we should not accelerate by one minute the consummation of that process, which has its own inexorable rhythm and momentum, and is determined by the pressure of mass movements, not the puny actions of individuals. Since in terms of dialectical materialism it makes no difference to the ‘istorical process whether Ernesto and I, as individuals, are rich or poor, we might as well be rich, because it is a role which we know ‘ow to perform with a certain dignity.

January 3rd, 2025
My old buddy and traveling companion Peter definitely likes the good life.

But he’s not all about restaurants in Venice.

September 23rd, 2024
Homage to Nebraska State Senator Mike McConnell.


Sacred the cause that McConnell’s defending–
The freedom we cherish, and love of our home
Ruthless the ruin that MAGA’s extending–
Their latest depravity McConnell has blown.

On with McConnell then,
Fight the old fight again,
Son of Nebraska
All valiant and true:
Make the vile Trumpers feel
Freedom’s avenging steel!
Strike for your country! McConnell, hurroo!

August 9th, 2024
‘Come to think of it, denigrating the worth of a soldier’s service based on whether he deployed to a war zone is… kind of like denigrating the worth of a woman’s citizenship based on whether she happens to have children.’

Pete Buttigieg.


“24 yrs of service is nothing to sneeze at, and Vance is running alongside a known draft dodger who has repeatedly disparaged veterans and Gold Star families. If Vance wants to critique a man’s honor, he should start with his running mate.”

August 6th, 2024
Told ya.

This lil ol blog’s been telling you for a week it’s Walz. It’s Walz.

Wanna know how I knew?

Buttigieg is too closely associated with the Biden presidency.

Shapiro trends too urban, too intense. We’ve already got that in Harris.

Kelly’s only a so-so public speaker. And I’ve wondered throughout about the stamina of Gabby Giffords, diminished by a gun attack, in the context of a grueling national contest.

Don’t know about Beshear. Never seemed a front-runner.

I figured it had to be Walz after simply reading his Wiki page and watching a couple of his public presentations/interviews. Although I wonder about the obvious, like his knowledge of the international scene, I’m bowled over by the ECHT Americanness of the dude. I’ve called him Truman on steroids cuz the decency, straightforwardness, modesty thing is there in him like crazy. He seems to be the best of us.

I mean, barring unpleasant surprises about the dude, let me say it again: He seems to be the best of us.

July 31st, 2024
‘Buttigieg is by far the best political athlete in the Democratic Party.’

UD likes that formulation.

This also is good: A writer calls him lethally calm.

July 30th, 2024
‘We know how many athletes have been murdered.’

Listen to France’s sports minister speak to Ukrainian athletes.

July 8th, 2024
‘Johns Hopkins will use the gift to offer free medical school tuition, which normally amounts to about $65,000 per year for four years, to any family that earns less than $300,000 per year, … and students from families earning less than $175,000 annually will also have their fees and living expenses covered.’

Wowsa. Mike Bloomberg, a Hopkins grad, goes to town.

June 29th, 2024
Goodbye Joe.

Time is full of changes, and now you’ve got to go.

Goodbye, Joe.

February 16th, 2024
September 2nd, 2023
See, the thing is, if you scare the people who reveal research fraud, they’ll stop revealing it.

Now that he has ignominiously exited Stanford’s presidency, retracting multiple papers as he goes, we can leave Marc Tessier-Lavigne behind, and take up the even ickier case of Harvard’s Francesca Gino.

Ja, Stanford, Harvard; and these are bigshots, humongous success stories, whose work is cited tens of thousands of times.

Both seem to have arrived at the ability to undermine vast fields of research through the simple expediency of making up their results.

Now Gino, as a social sciency biz school Ted Talk specimen, is no real surprise – probably fifty percent of the people who share her genotype are making shit up. T-L, however, does empirical research, so it’s more amazing when he (or his lab) just goes out and does irreproducible things.

Anyway, looks as though he’s going to fade into nothingness because he’s not going to get all shitty and vindictive and sue the people who outed him for $25 mill.

But that’s exactly what Gino’s up to; her fraudulence seems firmly established, but that doesn’t mean she can’t destroy the people who revealed her misconduct. Expensive lawyers, long horrible litigation… Why the hell shouldn’t they be just as ruined as she’s been.


 One scientist, who has discovered research fraud in another high-profile person, has decided to keep it to himself, because, he explains, he runs “a non-zero risk of financial ruin, and no real personal upside. Probably many researchers are making this same calculation at this moment.”

What’s keeping this latest set of fraud-outers from financial ruin is a GoFundMe page (to which UD has contributed) which has in only a few days amassed $326,000.

August 30th, 2023
“The inclusion of insulin in the list of negotiated drugs shows that the Biden White House isn’t fucking around.” 

Hey babe I know he’s awfully old to be president, but ya gotta admit…

May 29th, 2023
Update, Alternative Graduation Ceremony, New College Florida.

The event went off rather better than the hilarious DeSantis campaign launch. 90 of the school’s 119 graduates attended.


May 20th, 2023
“Terrorism must not terrorize us,” [Rushdie] continued. “Violence must not deter us. As the old Marxists used to say, La lutte continue. La lutta continua. The struggle goes on.”

Free speech martyr Salman Rushdie makes a surprise appearance at a PEN event last night. Read all about it.

March 23rd, 2023
“The term ‘Russophobia’ is a claim of the imperial power that it is the victim even as it is carrying out a war of atrocity.”

The imperial power dehumanizes the actual victim and claims to be the victim. When the victim opposes being attacked, being murdered, being colonized, the imperial power says that this is unreasonable, this is an illness, a phobia. … The term ‘Russophobia’ is an imperial strategy designed to change the subject from an actual war of aggression to the feelings of the aggressors, thereby suppressing the existence and the experience of the people who are the most harmed.


 The Russian Federation called for a UN Security Council session to discuss ‘Russophobia.’ This is Timothy Snyder’s contribution.

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