February 1st, 2025
‘I see all of the many, many, many helicopter flights following that same flight path. They come right down over the marina. And it’s one thing, when there’s an urgent need or a security issue, to move people by military helicopter to the White House or from one base to another in the D.C. area. It’s another to do it for convenience for generals and “very important people” who don’t want to sit in traffic.’

Who knew wee Reagan Airport was one of the most dangerous places to land/take off in America? If you grew up here, like ol’ UD, you think of Reagan as the dinky downhome alternative to sleek vast Saarinen-designed Dulles (with BWI — we’re really spoiled; lots of terminals near ‘thesda — a kind of afterthought for a quick hop to Bermuda). Now it turns out that self-important assholes have been jamming the place and creating a hellscape people in charge of the airport have been screaming about forever. Reagan Airport “is probably the most dangerous airport in the United States,” one pilot wrote in 2015. “The controllers are pushing, pushing, pushing in an attempt to handle the traffic they have.”

And ain’t it sweet that little Wichita’s Rep. pushed and pushed and got a daily flight out there THAT THE AIRPORT CAN BARELY HANDLE AND ITS ADMINISTRATION HAS BEEN BEGGING FOR ALL THE ADDITIONAL FLIGHTS TO STOP.


That copter thing. Reminds me of the Rennert/Bloomberg thing of just landing your immense thundering personal helicopter whenever and wherever you feel like it — illegality, and torment of homeowners, be damned.


“Every senator in particular wants a nonstop flight to and from wherever they live,” said [Peter] DeFazio, an Oregon Democrat. He noted that a reauthorization of the Federal Aviation Administration passed last year added even more flights to Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport. “The airport said, ‘Don’t do it.’ And they did it. So they added to what DCA said is already an overly congested and over-capacity airport.” (Congress has added more than 60 new flights to Reagan since 2000, over the objections of airport officials.)

… The airport authority said, “We are over capacity. We cannot accommodate more flights, and we think this is going to be disruptive.” Unfortunately, … Congress mandated adding more flights into National Airport, so that more senators can have direct flights. I was chairman of the committee, and I always had to connect somewhere. I didn’t ask for a direct flight. So, that’s a problem. That is a problem, the political influence over the airport, as most recently exhibited in the last FAA bill. So, I think we might need to revisit the amount of traffic.

How third world, my dears. Bigass military egos, bigass senatorial egos, and here we are. Disgusting.

January 20th, 2025
How to keep professors from stealing from students?

When they also run programs, and when it’s a conspiracy, it can be close to impossible.

UCLA – a pretty respectable school – handed the running of its orthodontics school over to a set of buddies who made a point of admitting students from way-rich middle east kingdoms. Once in residence, these students were ordered to come up with, er, supplemental fees in the tens of thousands of dollars, and if they didn’t they’d be out on their oil-rich asses.

Not sure how the school figured out what was going on, but for reasons of its own the school – after throwing the members of the conspiracy out – did nothing by way of prosecution of anyone, and worked hard to keep a report about their malfeasance secret.

January 17th, 2025
Wax takes her whacks.

Amy Wax loudly espouses views that most reasonable people find repellent. This does not justify punishing her for expressing them. Her suspension, with the other penalties, is a kind of ritual act, an unconvincing performance of moral purity. 

John McWhorter was right back in October, when he defended the free speech rights of U Penn’s benighted law professor; and now that she has, with great fanfare, sued the university for having imposed sanctions on her, this long sad story will continue for some time to play out.

FWIW, ol’ UD figures she’ll win her case and get herself some money and an apology. Her lawyers can easily point to really disgusting speech from U Penn professors that has occasioned not a peep.

That’d be Jews standing around drinking the blood of Gazans, vs Wax showing her racism. Lots of ick to go around at Penn apparently.

Wax is old and has cancer – maybe Penn thinks it can wait this out.

January 8th, 2025
San Diego State: We’re on fire!

It’s hard to beat Operation Sudden Fall, but practically incinerating one of our frat pledges at an illegal party comes close. Scummy frats and don’t give a shit administrations remain central to the life of the mind at SDSU; expect more good shit from our school’s unique perspective on higher education.

January 7th, 2025
J-M Le Pen’s death merely a detail.

His declaration that the Nazi gas chambers were “merely a detail” of World War Two history and that the Nazi occupation of France was “not especially inhumane” were for many people repulsive.

November 3rd, 2024
Nice to see the University of Miami Medical School building upon its long legacy of fraud, generalized criminality, and conflict of interest.

The arrest of prof. Dairon Garcia for drug trafficking is the latest of too many to count instances of high-level sleaze. Feast your eyes on this blog’s coverage of the nation’s dirtiest med school.

October 17th, 2024
“TD Bank had to work intentionally and concertedly to break a slew of banking regulations.”

So why are none of its executives going to prison?

October 16th, 2024
‘Employee 1: why all the really awful ones bank here lol Employee 2: because… Employee 2: we are convenient Employee 2: hahah Employee 1: bahahahaha’

So this guy helpfully explains that banks can’t really do that much drug money policing; so UD assumes that TD Bank will now reform itself by issuing stern warnings to employees that they MUST NEVER exchange emails about drug money.

While we understand that our laundering of vast amounts of drug money is amusing, there is nothing amusing about the penalty you will receive (instant firing) if our surveillance of your work as well as private email/texts/etc uncovers even cursory use of words like COLOMBIA GET AWAY WITH LOLOLOLOL DRUG MONEY BAD GUYS EASY LOOK OTHER WAY VENEZUELA DEPOSITED A MILLION BWAHAHAHAHAHA.

October 14th, 2024
TD (Tradinghouse [for] Drugs) Bank loves Fentanyl.

Much of its asset base comes from accepting gobs of cash from international drug cartels, which you and I know as money laundering, but which at TD is considered plain old customer service. For ten years the bank (which sends transfer your accounts letters to Les UDs all the time — perhaps it has fingered us as people in search of a hiding place for criminal gains) has happily reached out and washed billions of dirty drug dollars; and now that it’s been caught it has to pretend that for a decade THE GOODIES at the bank had no idea, and THE BADDIES at the bank were ingeniously unspeakably undetectedly evil and we promise we’re going to fire all of them and pay a big fine and all.

But what you have to understand is that no one of any importance at the bank had anything to do with the drug shit. The entire insanely profitable and systemic scheme was hatched by a bunch of underling nonentities so don’t even think of putting any of the bank’s executives in jail or anything.

Pay no attention to that massive Ponzi scheme we were involved in last year, by the way! Again, we paid a big fine; a few underling nonentities took the fall, etc. etc. We are a dignified illustrious upstanding financial institution.

October 5th, 2024
Just when you think there might be SOMETHING not embarrassing about Idaho, a State Senator shrieks at a woman whose people have been in Idaho for 12,000 years to “go back where you came from.”

You can’t make this shit up.

October 1st, 2024
Ew College

New College Ranking Drops Double Digits

Second Year in a Row

(Background here.)

September 3rd, 2024
Wotta shocker! A high Lebanese official accused of corruption!

No way.

August 30th, 2024
As a coupla fucks finally go to jail…

UD reposts this commentary on the biggest corruption case of our time.


‘… Malaysia’s then-Prime Minister Najib Razak … channeled over RM 2.67 billion (approximately US$700 million) into his personal bank accounts from 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB), a government-run strategic development company.’

The hyper-pious ex-PM (‘Najib recently said Islam’s holy book, the Koran, would be the guide for all government policies and actions.’) allows modesty edicts to repress Malaysian women, while he himself pleases Allah by stealing seven hundred million dollars directly from the Malaysian people.

Theologically, it is a conundrum; Allah smiles equally upon downtrodden black-cloaked women AND the world’s largest kleptocracy case. He smiles at sick Malaysian children dying from lack of treatment because, of the six billion in the fund meant to help them and their country, four billion was stolen.

Everything would have been peachy; America’s sweetheart, Goldman Sachs, would have pocketed its suspiciously massive fees from 1MDB, all the other crooks who stole hundreds of millions for themselves would have been fine…

But people began to notice the absence of four plus billion dollars from the world. Things began to sour, see, onaccounta

‘Because the money was stolen, it wasn’t invested; without investment returns, the fund couldn’t pay back the bonds.’

Shades of pious Bernie Madoff (in his case his piety was orthodox Judaism — he acted as the treasurer – not making this up – of Yeshiva University)! Pious Najib and his legion of co-conspirators overlooked the fact that if anything goes wrong with schemes like this, you’re up shit’s creek cuz the money’s already up the nose of your cocaine-snorting, super-yacht-private-jet-super-thin-nyc-penthouse-owning Islamically pious investment group.

Najib now enjoys twelve years of uninterrupted prayer in a Malaysian prison.

Watch this video, titled Behind Goldman Sachs’ Alleged Involvement in the 1MBD Scandal. It explains the gist of the thing. I know you’re distracted by The Trump 300 (700?), but trust me 1MDB is more important; America will survive a once-in-a-lifetime madman having attained the presidency; the sad sick world cannot be defended from lethal international criminals (including, again, our own adorable Goldman Sachs) unless we all make an effort to understand how they are killing us.

August 30th, 2024
$34 million in debt and no will.

Silly boy.


July 31st, 2024
After Seven Years, some Light in the Piazza…

… case. One of the more disgusting frat bro events this blog has covered over the years (the most disgusting of course was the Tucker Carlson/JD Vance beer fest), the pitiable death of Timothy Piazza at the hands of sadists at Penn St has inspired anti-hazing legislation, but it has also generated long years of appeals and delays in the hugely deserved sentences given to the degenerates who let the guy die.

State prosecutors said he was served 18 drinks in 82 minutes and then suffered life-ending head and abdominal injuries when he fell... Piazza was found unconscious in a fraternity house basement the day after the event, but emergency medical responders weren’t summoned for 40 minutes.

Details? How he was left unconscious all those hours? You don’t wanna know. Forty minutes? You can see their dilemma. No booze allowed and hey then how come this dude’s dead of alcohol poisoning? Let him lie there and maybe he’ll sprout in a few years.

 Vomiting, bruised, in agony, his limbs literally stiffening in front of his fellow drunks’ eyes, Piazza attracted little attention beyond mocking laughter, Snapchatting, and rough, random efforts to change his position so he wouldn’t choke on his vomit.


More than 1,000 counts have been brought against 18 members in the largest criminal indictment against a fraternity and its members in US history...

Video played in court showed that Piazza collapsed just before 11.30pm but no-one came to his assistance.

He was then seen repeatedly collapsing as he attempted to crawl, rolled around the floor, vomited in his sleep and went in-and-out of consciousness over the course of the next eight hours.

As the hours passed he was body slammed into a couch by one frat member, had a beer or multiple beers dumped on him by another and later lay comatose while one young man threw his shoes at the visibly inebriated college student...

A fraternity brother who was present following that first fall revealed in an interview that he was thrown against a wall when he tried to help Piazza, a claim that is supported by footage shown in court.

Kordel Davis could be seen making animated gestures after seeing Piazza lying on the couch, at which point he is slammed into a wall by another member of the fraternity.

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