You learn something new every day. Who knew that serious drug addiction can constipate you to the point where your bowel can explode?
And wow the miracles of modern medicine. You’d think it’d be absolutely impossible to come back from such an event – and most don’t – but the actor Matthew Perry did.
And WOW the power of addiction. Perfectly willing to stand around constipated for ten+ days if the drugs keep flowing.
Leave it around and it just might kill your kid.
At one point, [the judge] questioned whether the magnitude of opioid shipments delivered to the community might trigger some legal liability.
“Is there some point at which the number would be so great that it would be unreasonable?” [he] asked.
Nah! 81 million opioid pills for a city of 91,000 reflects a heroic dedication to the well-being of its residents — and the proof is in the pudding! One in ten of them is now a full-blown addict.
The only possible verdict in this trial of pill distributors is Presidential Medal of Honor for every CEO who unselfishly opened the floodgates so that Huntington West Virginia could stand as a shining overdosed city on a hill.
You who must ship a load
Must have a code that you can live by
And so protect yourself
Because the stash will be a big buy
Watch your cellphone well
Its message app might be a drug spy
You pay a monthly fee
To send your deals to the FBI
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene‘s timely and urgent book reminds Americans – legally compelled not only to mask, but to wear seat belts – that we are one click away from genocide.
From a documentary about the pride of SUNY Buffalo, Mr Fentanyl himself, John Kapoor.
… the drug-sniffing dogs. Or are they like I love the smell of cocaine, THC, methamphetamine and MDMA in the morning!
… and 1 800 GOT JUNK?…’
UD just heard this, as she turned on her radio at 5:30 AM, and she thought: “Not sure about that sequence…”
…formal sculpture comes.
Purdue sits ceremonious, a tomb –-
Beyond whose rich and gilded door
Lie dead and dying customers — a score
Attorney Peter Osinoff also argued that [Carmen Puliafito] suffers from a mental illness that makes him brilliant and leaves him with “immense energy,” but instills an “ugly side” in Puliafito that drove him to be infatuated with a young prostitute.
Police said they’ve broken up a drug ring that included eight students and a professor at William & Mary.