July 23rd, 2024
Soon to be an everyday occurrence

LA Police Officers Shot During Traffic Stop With AR-15

July 17th, 2024
Birmingham AL: 5 for 5

“We had five homicides in the first five days of July.”

To bring the point home, Mayor Randall Woodfin displayed the city’s armes de choix:

At one point, Woodfin swung [an] AR-15 in a way that caused some council members to ask him to not point the weapon in their direction. “Council, I apologize – I didn’t mean to,” Woodfin said. “I’m sorry.”

When he picked up [a] Micro Draco, he said, “Finger’s not on the trigger, everybody,” to calm any nerves. “Nowhere near it.”

July 16th, 2024
‘Because we live in an insane country, military sniper rifles are marketed to civilians who lack any good reason to own one. Had Crooks been a sophisticated … killer …, Trump would probably be dead now. Thankfully, Crooks was not, and Trump received only a minor wound to his outer ear. Crooks was fairly clumsy with guns—so much so, two high school classmates told ABC News, that he was rejected by the school’s rifle team. “He didn’t just not make the team,” one classmate said. “He was asked not to come back because of how bad a shot he was. It was considered, like, dangerous.” The AR-15 and its ilk are frequently the gun of choice for this variety of psychopath because it makes up in destructiveness what it lacks in precision.’

Timothy Noah.

July 14th, 2024
And now, back to our regularly scheduled …


July 13th, 2024
Like massacres at Mafia funerals…

… double-decker death becomes more frequent in gun-soaked America. Here, a few miles from UD, attendees are killed at a memorial for three people who were killed.

Let’s go for another! Let’s do a massacre at the funeral of the person who was killed at the memorial of the three people.

This is fun! Let’s shoot down witnesses testifying in the trial of the shooter at the memorial service!!

Parents in the United States are buying bulletproof backpacks, children are being traumatized by mass shooting drills, and an increasing number of people stay away from crowded events because they’re worried they’re going to be shot.

As long as enough sitting ducks are still willing to go to parties, parades, memorial services, etc., etc., America will keep its appointment with death.

July 12th, 2024
Post-latest-massacre, a local Kentucky reporter addresses the bloodthirsty hounds.

Gun violence is not “unfathomable evil” and will not be stopped with thoughts or prayers or burying good gun legislation in the basement of the Capitol. 

Gun violence is fathomable and preventable, and it continues to go unchecked here in Kentucky because our GOP supermajority, in their unfathomable cowardice, refuses to grow up and address it.

July 11th, 2024
Teehee. Love all the shit about how did he get a gun.

Lots of articles like this in the aftermath of the latest bloodbath. A notorious, dangerous, felon! How in the world….?

 I burst out laughing at you, and call your gun-availability question a silly thing!  (Paraphrasing Monty Python.) Little Chase no doubt lived in a house where everyone ate, slept, shaved, showered, beat off, and shit with guns. ‘Member the gun-glutted Murdaughs? Boy I say boy ain’t no one down in y’all and shut ma mouth land who ain’t stewing in guns every minute of every god damn day and you wanna know how a twenty year old psychotic with a violent record got a gun? How did he not get a gun? How in Florence KY do you avoid having a gun?

July 9th, 2024

Chase Garvey faced a felony charge two years ago that could have put him behind bars for years and barred him from carrying a gun.

But early Saturday morning, police say, Garvey was free and armed when he walked into a home in Florence and opened fire on a crowd of people gathered for a birthday party, killing four.

Garvey, 21, was on probation after pleading guilty to the felony charge in 2022 that accused him of having sex with a 13-year-old in the parking lot of a Fort Mitchell apartment complex.

The plea was to a lesser charge than the rape charge Garvey initially faced, but it carried a possible sentence of up to five years in prison. Though he was sentenced to probation instead, he still could not legally possess a gun because he was a felon.

Good ol Kentucky.

Update: Free and armed to slaughter everyone he knows. “We haven’t heard yet how he got a gun but it’s not like it’s hard to do around here.” Rumor has it his father bought him one illegally. If true, this should be another Crumbley trial.

July 6th, 2024
Police say ‘motive unknown’ but hey this one’s an American classic: They didn’t invite him.

Do you know how many mass shootings are cuz bouncers wouldn’t let a guy in a club, frat bros threw someone out of a beerfest, or celebrants barred the door at a birthday party? Today’s atrocity was probably the last one on the list: Li’l Chase Garvey, just 20 years old and already boasting an impressive sex offender record, blasted into a local gathering and shot everyone in sight. The house was a McMansion, Garvey drove a Lexus, and I’m guessing the tyke shouldered an expensive assault weapon. Rich country.


Update: Rap sheet for violent crimes and not yet 21. Took multiple selfies proudly holding immense guns. A really, really dangerous person; but Kentucky!! You’ve got no gun control in your state. Own it, babe.

Kentucky’s gun laws are among the worst in the country, and the state has one of the higher rates of gun violence in the nation. Kentucky has none of the foundational policies in place—after legislators repealed its concealed carry permitting requirement in 2019.

The entire state apparatus is set up to make the world safe for Chase Garvey. Own it.


As an adorable fifteen year old. [facebook]

July 2nd, 2024
Johnny Ammoseed

Having successfully seeded the United States with weapons, our gunvangelicals are moving overseas, carrying their arms through airports and onward all over the world, so that all may know the joy of gun ownership.

While going through the TSA (Taurus Shotgun Ammo) Pre-Check, some of these people are caught by security (here’s today’s high-profile case); some of those who make it onto the plane are subsequently jailed by countries that have the gall to apply their own gun-control laws to, like, us??? WTF. We’re the ones with the tourist dollars keeping pathetic places like Turks and Caicos afloat. WTF.

June 16th, 2024
Yawn. Why does the media cover these things?

Two mass shootings in 24 hrs. So nu? 400 million guns in private hands and you don’t think mass shootings will occur on a more or less daily basis? Price of freedom, baby. Price of freedom.

Faithful readers know that UD predicts American mass shootings will be covered not at all in a few years. Way not newsworthy. They’ll be like coronal mass ejections – routine disruptions of no earthly consequence.

June 13th, 2024
Local Woman … uh … something.

Right around the beltway from UD.

A 41-year-old woman has been arrested and charged with two separate attempted armed robberies at McDonald’s drive-thrus in Gaithersburg… [The woman,] who was driving a gray Jeep Cherokee, pulled into the drive-thru lane with a handgun on her lap. 

When the employee approached the window, [the woman] motioned toward the gun and announced the robbery. 

The employee quickly closed the window, and [the woman] drove away.

Approximately 18 minutes later, [she] targeted another McDonald’s on Montgomery Village Avenue. She again drove into the drive-thru, displayed a gun, and announced a robbery. The employee immediately shut the window, and [the woman] left. [Then she was arrested.]


That sneaky “close the window” thing.

June 12th, 2024
The loaded arm of the law.

Only in America.

And every third world country.

June 9th, 2024
‘[P]olice faced roadblock after roadblock while looking for a place to keep the juvenile in custody.’

Not literal roadblocks. Legal. It’s New Mexico, America’s most dangerous state, where gun toting eleven year olds sack and pillage Albuquerque without consequence onaccounta they’re babies.

‘“Fortunately the governor, District Attorney’s Office and CYFD stepped in and helped us,” the police chief said.’ Yep, you just line up the gov, the DA, and the children youth and families thingie and you’re good to go.


June 2nd, 2024
Wow, New Mexico.

Fourth in the nation for non-suicide death by gun. Fourth in the nation for suicide by gun.

No wonder the Gov... etc etc etc…

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