February 7th, 2025
‘Orange police went to the club and found blood and spent shell casings near the door, which was closed and locked.’

Not only did no one at a New Haven area abattoir report a bloody shooting there to the police; even the owners are refusing to talk to authorities.

UD is aware that she needs to adjust her brain cells — Guns are everywhere and shootings are boringly routine. Why report them. Why be surprised when no one reports them.

February 6th, 2025
‘They attracted law enforcement attention because Youngblut and Bauckholt were reported wearing tactical-style gear and openly carrying firearms, which is legal in Vermont but unusual.’

Charlie Manson 2.0 continues to stalk the land, showing off the mortarial/sartorial splendor you can achieve in Vermont.

February 4th, 2025
Mass shooting in Sweden…

… at an adult education school. At least ten dead.

February 3rd, 2025
Clearing the air, American-style

Judy Lee was smoking in [her Florida] living room and [her son] Michael Lee, who has asthma, began spraying Febreze.

Judy Lee pulled out a handgun and started firing at her son. Michael Lee ran into his bedroom, grabbed his own gun, and returned fire.

February 1st, 2025
‘He told officers he found the firearm while conducting a “perimeter check” around the school, the complaint says, which was not true.’

Parents who produce gun-bearing eleven year olds; school principals who lie about armed attacks on elementary school children: The USA has quite the perfect storm, yes? The principal’s original version was all about what a big strong man he is, the hero of his own myth… ie, he found the gun on one of his regular security sweeps. But no – A babe brought it from home and shot at a classmate, but the gun failed to go off. The almost-killed student told her teacher, who took the gun to the big strong man. The teacher was supposed to report the gun to the police, but look at that. Although one of her students was practically killed, she didn’t.

Neither did the principal, who handed down NO discipline against the shooter (I guess in order to protect his big strong man story) but did eventually show up at police headquarters with the gun and with his lie.

He doesn’t work at the school anymore, and the shooter (who bragged he’ll bring another gun and do it again) has been expelled. UD does wonder what other public school now has charge of this person; she also wonders why she’s not reading about his gunny parents and their liability.

Think it’s a one-off? Silly you.

January 29th, 2025
The Spirit of America!

Three naughty lads from the heartland headed out to Ohio’s Jungle Jim’s — a supermegasuperstore— and stole “candy, cookies and ice cream,” the scamps. Well, the boys in blue caught up with them, wouldn’t you know, and out popped Devin’s gun magazine! And not only that! Devin’s face got all red when they found a Glock in his jacket! Haha!

January 28th, 2025
‘We filed a protest of a renewal of their [liquor] license [years ago] and we have yet to hear back from TABC on that…’

The Amarillo police have tried to get the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission to shut down the abattoir where the latest mass shooting in America took place, but TABC’s too drunk to do anything. Or too rich from abattoir bribes. Keep the killing coming!

January 27th, 2025
Humongously crime-ridden Amarillo does it again.

You wouldn’t want to impose any serious closing hours on your bars in a city where every drunk fucker has five guns; better to wait until two AM when everyone’s maximally drunk and concentrated in a chaotic nightclub with other violent people in order to insure a mass shooting.

This keeps happening in our gunniest, stupidest, bloodiest, cities – the late-night lounge loaded with bullets; the hours of bar-boosted boozing; bad behavior that finally gets you thrown out and makes you vengeful blahblahblah. Absolutely by the book. Absolutely happens every weekend somewhere in the states.

Cities with a flicker of brain activity have begun imposing relatively early closing hours on their abattoirs, but apparently Amarillo prides itself on its status as one of America’s most dangerous cities.

January 23rd, 2025
“I think as people are getting ready for the day, it’s so commonplace to grab your cellphone, your keys, your wallet and your firearm.”

Shit Shower Shave Sig Sauer

January 22nd, 2025
“Bowling for Columbine” for the …

… Andrew Humiston era.


From the obituary of Andrew’s father:

Mark is survived by his son Andrew.

Who shot Mark four times at point blank range.

January 19th, 2025
Why Trump Won

A New York high school does absolutely nothing about a violent student brandishing guns.

In an email to Principal Paul Wilbur, Forest Hills teacher Adam Bergstein described [Moshe] Khaimov as “a clear and present danger” who has struck and threatened students and staff, and brought other weapons to school.

Bergstein faulted the city Department of Education for a system of lax discipline.

“Schools are in a constant state of danger because the DOE refuses to hold students accountable for their behavior until it’s sometimes too late,” Bergstein told The Post.

“They rely on restorative justice circles instead of punishing a child when they are dangerous and clearly pose a risk to everyone in a school.”

Only when students made a fuss did administrators rouse themselves a little from their stupor.

January 17th, 2025
The key to keeping the blood flowing in Birmingham, Alabama, America’s bloodiest city:

The city council. They’ll approve effing anything, especially lounges (bloodbath background here) full of killers.

The mayor has begged them not to, but they all just laugh, y’know? UD doesn’t know whether lounge owners are bribing council members, or whether members just like it in principle when new abattoirs open up, but, you know, welcome to Bama.

January 15th, 2025
I write about super-suicidey places like Natrona County Wyoming from a distance. Here’s a writer who went out there.

At this stage of his life, [Natrona County Commissioner Dallas] Laird finds that he cries often. He wonders whether it’s his age, or if there’s simply a lot to cry about, or maybe it’s some mixture of the two. [A young man who recently killed himself] was loved, and yet he didn’t seem to believe it. How could that be? What is happening in his community? He thinks that most families don’t know what to do when someone is in crisis, or they can’t afford therapy. Guns are everywhere, woven into the fabric of rural American culture. Hunting elk and moose is a tradition that connects one generation to the next. Children are taught to shoot. Notions about self-protection, and what it means to stand sentry before your family, have become like a religious creed, even when the real danger tends to lurk within. 

Laird believes too many people feel like they’re going nowhere, and that feeling worms its way into the soul, infects it, until the day comes when they grab a firearm. In Wyoming, more than 85 percent of gun deaths are suicide.

January 14th, 2025
‘I think it’s important to cope with this in a healthy, positive way.’

Yessir, Mr Police Chief. A madman takes three guns to a house where his eleven year old daughter is staying and blows away her and her grandmother and then kills himself. The dying child managed to drag herself to a neighbor’s porch, but ultimately “succumbed to her wounds.”

Quite a way to go. Shot by your father, and probably witnessing him killing your grandmother and then himself. Bleeding out on a neighbor’s porch.

He’d been on leave from his job at Cornell, and he and his ex-wife were having custody disputes.

He showed her. Killed her mother and her child.

See any red flags here? The local police chief didn’t (the police were called to the grandmother’s home by the killer just one day before the shooting – did they contact Cornell and ask why he was on leave?), so the guy took the guns from a relative and did his thing. Why three? (One source says four.) Why not take one? Cuz he wanted to be a hundred percent certain he’d kill everybody, so he needed backup weaponry.

Oh – and here’s a source that says the police had had multiple contacts with the guy but “all encounters before 2025 were medical-related interactions and were not linked in any way to domestic violence.” What’s that mean? How often do you have encounters with police when you have medical issues? Were these mental illness related?


So let’s see. How do the child’s schoolmates deal with this insane family massacre in a healthy positive way?

Well, let’s look at how Cornell is coping. The guy was a dean. Cornell hired him as a dean. Cornell has erased his name from its website as its major coping strategy. It hasn’t said anything. It won’t tell anyone why he was put on leave.

Maybe the kids can do something similar. Pretend she didn’t exist. Don’t say anything. Don’t ask why an obviously troubled man easily got hold of three guns (why weren’t they secured so that – I don’t know – a madmen couldn’t grab a bunch and shoot his child to death, letting her bleed out in the snow on a neighbor’s porch?); don’t ask why you live in a country where manifestly insane people have no trouble getting hold of many guns.

The Humiston daughter – also eleven – was also shot to pieces by unsecured guns, and she also ended up bleeding on a neighbor’s porch, but she managed to survive. Her fifteen year old brother killed her whole family (five people), but what’s important is that she cope with this in a healthy, positive way.

January 14th, 2025
‘While he did not deny there were bullets found on surrounding property, he said they do not have proof it came from the gun club.’

The attorney representing a gun club where members get all drunk and shoot all over the place acknowledges all the bullets neighbors are complaining about on their property. But hey it’s Texas — there are bullets effing everywhere, babe, so who’s to say they come from our drunk shooters club?

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