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Positively Medieval

There are many ways to measure the impact of [Arizona] state budget cuts. There’s the obvious dollar amount. There’s the effect on people’s lives. And then there’s the historical perspective.

Members of the House Appropriations Committee were debating the cost of photocopying and whether those costs decline as the semester wears on and students drop classes.

But committee Chairman John Kavanagh, R-Fountain Hills, interrupted to say the conversation was way too twentieth century.

“Since our cuts are going to send [Arizona State University] back to the Middle Ages, the question is how many monks will they need?” he said.

Kavanagh warmed up to the Middle Ages metaphor, noting that the Department of Chemistry should be changed to the Department of Alchemy.

Margaret Soltan, February 1, 2009 7:31AM
Posted in: kind of a little weird

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2 Responses to “Positively Medieval”

  1. Jeffrey Cohen Says:

    Thank you for sharing this Margaret … and I could not help pirating the link for my own blog:

  2. Margaret Soltan Says:

    My pleasure, Jeffrey.

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