May 23rd, 2024
‘Moms for Liberty founder sent Florida GOP Chair to Bars Prowling for Hookups: Police Docs’


May 18th, 2024
I am the Life, and the Insurrection

Spawn of Franco Fanboy goes down.


Bozell’s father submitted a letter to the court in which he … questioned prosecutors’ motives for seeking a terrorism enhancement.

“I have remained silent for the past 3 1/2 years because I didn’t want to tip the apple cart of justice,” he wrote. “But given what I saw in the trial, and more importantly learning about this terrorism enhancement, I no longer can. I believe there is more at play here.”


Indeed there is, indeed there is. It is the hand of God. Praise Him.

May 17th, 2024
In response to the petition calling for his ouster…

… Harrison Butker has initiated a petition of his own. It calls for striking the song “I Can’t Say No” from the score of Oklahoma.

May 17th, 2024
Butker: ‘And while we’re on the subject…’

Mr. Butker casually mentions that “Congress just passed a bill where stating something as basic as the biblical teaching of who killed Jesus could land you in jail,” a not-so-thinly veiled reference to a recent bill passed in the House to combat antisemitism.

The Jesuit Review concludes:

 Mr. Butker quoted the lyrics of his “teammate’s girlfriend” (Taylor Swift), “familiarity breeds contempt.” But he demonstrated what contempt for the outside world breeds.



UD thinks the contempt point really gets at it. Here’s another writer:

 A sort of loneliness radiates from Butker’s speech; there is the sense, in his words as in Aaron Rodgers’s increasingly dire podcast riff sessions, that all of this displeasure has been bubbling away in there for quite some time without an outlet. Mostly, though, there is just disdain, not just for all the sinful things of the world but seemingly everyone and everything else in it. 

…  There is no room for anyone else in this worldview, no space for anyone to live or breathe. It’s striking how Butker is unable or uninterested to connect his own faith with those of the coreligionists listening to him; this whole belief system vibrates at the frequency of cable news, and so there’s nothing for him to share but a list of demands. If Butker’s speech works as a commencement address, it is only as an opportunity for new graduates to learn how they will be treated by the sour and vengeful mediocrities who are also the most powerful people in the world they are joining: as a series of shadows whose only purpose is to be harangued, so that they might learn to be less displeasing. The advice Butker offered at Benedictine College is not really trying to be a part of any kind of conversation. It’s just a kicker moving further and further out, to see what he can get away with.


Masturbation is nothing to be ashamed of, any more than running away from a mob you yourself have excited; but if Butker and Hawley are going to present themselves as national avatars of generative masculinity, these are not their best looks.


More deeply: If you want to find the world contemptible, babe, the world will always oblige. Piece o’ cake. Look around. But it’s kind of a mistake – one that is obvious to all of us when you make it – to confuse your misanthropy with unworldly piety.

May 17th, 2024
Christ’s Kicker to Christ’s Vicar: ‘I’m not angry. Just very disappointed.’

[Gov. Maura] Healey was invited to give the keynote address on the opening day of [a recent Vatican] conference, a perhaps surprising choice by the Holy See given that she is secular, openly gay and staunchly pro-choice despite identifying as Catholic.


UD thanks Joanna.

May 16th, 2024
Everyone’s got WHAT to say about Christ’s Kicker…

Including Dave Zirin.

Yes, the NFL wants female fans, and yes, they want fans of color, and yes, going soft on Butker risks that. But above all else, NFL executives exist to appease the whims of billionaires in the owners’ boxes most of whom—judging by their bankrolling of Donald Trump—agree with Butker. The destruction of Black bodies for white consumption and profit is an ugly business. Normally the NFL wants to keep the underlying ideology of its owners under wraps. The biggest problem with Butker is that he vomited it up for everyone to see.


SOS grudgingly concedes that Butker’s speech displayed, Zirin notes, impressive concision.

Butker managed, in just a few minutes, to be homophobic, anti-abortion … and racist… He cried out against, “Things like abortion, IVF, surrogacy, euthanasia, as well as a growing support for degenerate cultural values and media, all stem[ming] from the pervasiveness of disorder.”

Given the size of Butker’s … vomit, you’d expect a great deal of difficulty coughing up a few tidy paragraphs, but he did the deed. He got it done. And now all of America is talking about it.

May 14th, 2024
What commencement speeches sound like at colleges that don’t want women to graduate.

From an address at Benedictine College (acceptance rate 100%):

“I think it is you, the women, who have had the most diabolic lies told to you. Some of you may go on to lead successful careers in the world but I would venture to guess that the majority of you are most excited about your marriage and the children you will bring into this world.

“I can tell you that my beautiful wife Isabelle would be the first to say her life truly started when she started living her vocation as a wife and as a mother. I’m on this stage today, able to be the man that I am, because I have a wife who leans into her vocation.

“I’m beyond blessed with the many talents God has given me, but it cannot be overstated that all my success is made possible because a girl I met in band class back in middle school would convert to the faith, become my wife, and embrace one of the most important titles of all. Homemaker.”





May 5th, 2024
Moments after Trump called Jack Smith a fucking asshole at a speech at a fundraiser last night, one of the attendees got up and called Trump “the person who God has chosen” to lead.

UD does wonder about the nature of evangelical Christianity these days.

But as one pro-Trump evangelical leader eloquently puts it:

Irregardless of how overt he is with his faith, he always made faith something he was a stalwart for.”

May 1st, 2024

Sometimes, people here quietly admit, it goes too far. Like the students who loudly proclaim how often they go to Mass, or the young man who quit his classics course because he refused to read the works of ancient Greek pagans.

April 28th, 2024
‘Pat Fagan, the director of the Marriage and Religion Institute at the Catholic University of America, says good children are the product of stable, two-parent Christian households, away from the corrupting influences of public school and sex ed. (Christian couples, he adds, have “the best, most orgasmic sex,” citing no research or surveys to support this.)’

Obviously UD wants to know more, more, more about Catholic University’s Pat Fagan; but on searching for him and his, er, institute, initiative, whatever, she finds nothing.

I mean — not nothing, but … well, take a looksee. Here’s the first CU hit you get on his name. Then a link to a faculty-in-the-media list, which takes you to an article about sex, and then a link to Fagan’s initiative (not institute); but CU’s only mention of the initiative (MARRI) includes no link

Given Fagan’s natalist hysteria about the incipient death of Christian populations via low birth rate, I’m wondering why CU seems a bit coy about acknowledging his existence, let alone his institute/initiative. Fagan holds the key to healthy numbers of incoming CU students, etc.

Plus UD is panting to find out more about superorgasmic Christian sex.

April 24th, 2024
‘[O]ne out of every five [IDF] soldiers convicted of harming Palestinians or their property since 2010 comes from [ultraorthodox battalion] Netzah Yehuda, making it the unit with the highest conviction rate for such cases.’

Who can be surprised – even if you’ve only read this l’il ol blog – that an all-male concentration of moral primitives issues in so much enemy abuse that our country is about to sanction the group? These fanatics think it’s fine to spit on Christians, and women wearing skirts a quarter inch shorter than godly, and women who forget to sit in the back of the bus etc etc. They riot when slightly perturbed, set cars aflame when slightly more perturbed, and ignore court rulings against them that come from a nation whose existence they deny. They reject science and refuse to vaccinate their children. It’s hilarious that Israel thinks establishing a lord of the flies fighting faction will result in anything other than war crimes.

And oh yes. Right. Religious people are so much more ethical than non-religious.

April 18th, 2024
‘Keynes found the emergent form of what he called “the money motive” repulsive, and hoped for an end to “many of the pseudo-moral principles which have hag-ridden us for two hundred years, by which we have exalted some of the most distasteful of human qualities into the position of the highest virtues…. [T]he love of money as a possession [has become the goal] — as distinguished from the love of money as a means to the enjoyments and realities of life. [This behavior] will [someday] be recognised for what it is, a somewhat disgusting morbidity, one of those semicriminal, semi-pathological propensities which one hands over with a shudder to the specialists in mental disease.”’

Yeshiva University’s most honored benefactor (now that Bernard Madoff is no more) doesn’t just loot his polluting businesses to build the largest private home in America for himself; he also funds Israeli settlers. It has been a privilege, over many years, to follow the morbid disgusting ways of one of America’s great money obsessives, and to note the proud smiling faces of the many academics here and abroad who carry the Ira Rennert name throughout their careers. Nothing he does – tax fraud, stealing pensions, destroying his neighbors’ lives this way and that – seems to shame any of them.

UD has been sitting tight, awaiting the latest Rennert … distastefulness … but it looks as though one of her favorite pursuits may be over. The dude’s been out of the news for awhile, and has recently turned 89, and his current thoughts must certainly revolve around how to fuck the world over postmortem. Maledizione!!

Ira Rennert has aired his world-hatred with a scope and depth available only to the screechingly rich; how to keep screeching that hatred from the quiet of the tomb?

The directives in his will are clear to anyone who, like UD, has made a fetish of the man: Above his vast sepulchre on the grounds of his house, his Sikorsky helicopter must circle eternally in a memorial riot of noise that will deafen and defeat all of the Sagaponack neighbors who have been praying for his death. When the Sikorsky runs out of gas, his other copter will replace it until its fuel tank refills.

April 3rd, 2024
Christian Visibility Day

“If you don’t believe in God, something’s wrong with you… [P]eople don’t really understand that our path was divinely ordered. And the order was for us to be national champions on this day… For all those crushed in defeat by the favor of God having been exclusively directed at my team, I will pray for you to rebuke Satan, to get Satan out of your lives, so that someday you can experience what I am feeling – the glory of having been singled out as one of the elect, and the sincere desire, from my mountaintop, to help infernal losers like you up the path to victory.”


Okay, only some of that was Miss Christian Visibility 2024; UD embellished a bit.





Gee. Wonder why.


AndMr Christian Visibility Day!

March 31st, 2024
‘On Friday morning lawmakers and officials including Paris deputy mayor Emmanuel Gregoire joined several dozen people for a rally in front of the school in the capital’s 20th district, heeding the call from the Socialist Party.’

Socialist? Did you say Socialist? Isn’t the adjective “rightwing” required by law to be inserted into every reference to rules against wearing the hijab/burqa in certain public settings? Isn’t one always instructed that support of some restrictions is “reactionary”?

Believe UD, who has read hundreds of news articles and essays about this, that the ironclad rule remains: If you want to approach laïcité in France and elsewhere, you must do it ranged about with words like “arch-conservative,” even though the preservation of secularism is typically as important to the left as it is to the right, to the point where a recent rally, in support of a high school principal forced to resign out of fear for his personal safety after he tried to enforce France’s ban on hijabs in public high schools, was organized by the Socialist Party.

Tis the very essence of an inconvenient fact, this. It would be nice if people and organizations outraged by secularism legislation acknowledged it.

March 29th, 2024
Daven like the dickens…

… to keep ’em dumb!

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