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‘[O]ne out of every five [IDF] soldiers convicted of harming Palestinians or their property since 2010 comes from [ultraorthodox battalion] Netzah Yehuda, making it the unit with the highest conviction rate for such cases.’

Who can be surprised – even if you’ve only read this l’il ol blog – that an all-male concentration of moral primitives issues in so much enemy abuse that our country is about to sanction the group? These fanatics think it’s fine to spit on Christians, and women wearing skirts a quarter inch shorter than godly, and women who forget to sit in the back of the bus etc etc. They riot when slightly perturbed, set cars aflame when slightly more perturbed, and ignore court rulings against them that come from a nation whose existence they deny. They reject science and refuse to vaccinate their children. It’s hilarious that Israel thinks establishing a lord of the flies fighting faction will result in anything other than war crimes.

And oh yes. Right. Religious people are so much more ethical than non-religious.

Margaret Soltan, April 24, 2024 9:21AM
Posted in: forms of religious experience

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5 Responses to “‘[O]ne out of every five [IDF] soldiers convicted of harming Palestinians or their property since 2010 comes from [ultraorthodox battalion] Netzah Yehuda, making it the unit with the highest conviction rate for such cases.’”

  1. Dmitry Says:

    A fine time to get a conscience. There will be war crimes aplenty if the Gaza situation is ever assessed.

  2. Margaret Soltan Says:

    Dmitry: There will be plenty of war crimes to go around. But yes – it’s always a good day to get a conscience.

  3. Dmitry Says:

    There will be no Nuremberg for these criminals. Some are more equal than others.

  4. Matt McKeon Says:

    First Nazi analogy! I have an excellent chance of winning buzzword bingo.

  5. Dmitry Says:

    Reflexive Godwin invocation! My card is complete.

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