May 4th, 2024
‘Noem Book Dogged by New Claims of Inaccuracies’

Nice. Another one would be



Headlines for two of her lies:

Nikki Haley — Someone Should Put Down that Bitch



From The Dakota Scout:

Gov. Kristi Noem blames ghostwriter, editor

for ‘small errors’ in upcoming book


Noem statement via Fox News:

“They attacked me. And it was a hard decision. It was a choice between keeping my small children and other people safe, or a dangerous editor, and I chose the safety of my children. And South Dakota law states that ghostwriters who make errors can be put down.”

May 3rd, 2024
When you put on too much bronzer…

look out!

March 29th, 2024
‘The Guardian contacted Scott Yenor with a detailed request for comment on this story. [Almost all] of the reply was personal abuse.’

Idaho is mainly in the news lately for the collapse of its statewide ob/gyn facilities; but the Western Theocratic Territory commands attention for many other reasons. Heerespfarrer Yenor, for instance, inspires that state’s Christian nationalists from his academic appointment at Boise State, an actual university (though largely a jockshop), and this startles the Guardian newspaper.

I mean, the Guardian‘s startled that a respectable academic institition lends its reputation to a man whose howls about liberty, women, free thought, and other abominations I will not share here because obscenity laws forbid it.

Nobody’s startled by the bad boys hiding out in the brush outside of Boise, but, well, a professor.

March 26th, 2024
Certainly looks buttoned-down enough in this…

photograph… but also likes to shake his tush...

March 15th, 2024
Things that can bring a plane down.

[T]he plunge may have been caused by a flight attendant hitting a switch on the pilot’s seat while serving a meal, inadvertently activating a motorized feature and pushing the pilot forward into the controls. 

March 13th, 2024
As always, art gets there ever so much sooner than life.

Candace Owens’ theory that Brigitte Macron is actually her own brother recalls Buck Mulligan telling his British lodger about Stephen’s theory of Hamlet.

 “He proves by algebra that Hamlet’s grandson is Shakespeare’s grandfather and that he himself is the ghost of his own father.


Owens is a fanatic Evangelical, which leads me to this godly cosmic convergence: Sex addict, voyeur, alcoholic, fraudster, Falwell Jr introduces her as an honored speaker at a Liberty University convocation.

The two of them together! There’s so much – intellectually, morally, spiritually – for Liberty students to be proud of.

Don’t miss her delight at “the gift of Kanye West,” another great Christian.

March 10th, 2024
Tradwife’s Pornshare more about her Masturbatory Anti-Biden Fantasies…

… than reality. But I guess it lit up the clits of MAGA.

March 5th, 2024
Struggling to say something snide about this.

Not there yet, but will write more when I arrive.

February 27th, 2024
Shockingly paltry amount.

I’ve been covering campus fraud for a long time; and if you’re lucky enough to be at NYU in a position of real financial responsibility, you should be able to steal at least ten million dollars if you simply put your mind to it.

Alvin Bragg seems to agree, because his office let a finance director at that university who managed to peel off only three million get off with probation plus a teeny weeny restitution.

February 23rd, 2024
Alabama lawmakers introduce extrawombal special exception to frozen baby legislation

We think it’s – haha – well thawed out,” joked State Sen. Tim Melson, R-Florence.

January 24th, 2024
Inspiring stories of the very aged. Part one.

As we contemplate two rather addled oldies vying to run our country, we need to buck up and realize the amazing achievements of the superannuated.

Example: Being 86 – almost 87! – didn’t stop Joe Lewis from racking up “the largest financial penalty for insider trading in a decade.” Securities fraud is typically a younger crook’s game, but Lewis shamed the whippersnappers and despite his age now faces twenty years in jail. Go, Joe!

January 20th, 2024
Ladies and Gentlemen, I Give You Donald Trump!

Clap, clap.

December 28th, 2023
Disclaimer: No universities were harmed in the making of this film.

No university property or funds were used to create the books or videos, Gow said. He created the content on his own personal time and spent more on production costs than the “minimal” money the videos have earned through the websites.

This would be the chancellor of the University of Wisconsin La Crosse, assiduous producer/performer in hardcore porn films.

For his official bio, read this while you can. Unofficially, the handsome rangy runner/vegan has two books about how great it is to film yourself fucking but how it all has to be on the down-low because he holds a high-profile job.

Hélas, someone (I guess a few other people in La Crosse watch porn videos) recognized him and told on him and now he’s been fired but he’s not going quietly but rather has much to say about his free speech rights.

December 20th, 2023
Dr Lonski’s Afterlife Care

[Because he committed fraud, Michael] Lonski was excluded from participating in the Medicare program from April 2003 to November 2007… Less than 10 years after he was reinstated to the Medicare program, he began billing for patients who were dead.

December 18th, 2023
Wow. I’m bad at math, but even I can spot the disparity.

According to the SEC, the group reported cash and cash equivalents of $461.7mn for 2022 in the bank accounts of its Nigerian subsidiary, Tingo Mobile, which says it provides farmers in Nigeria with microloans, weather forecasts and an online marketplace. But the US watchdog claims the actual balance was less than $50 for that financial year.

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