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Disclaimer: No universities were harmed in the making of this film.

No university property or funds were used to create the books or videos, Gow said. He created the content on his own personal time and spent more on production costs than the “minimal” money the videos have earned through the websites.

This would be the chancellor of the University of Wisconsin La Crosse, assiduous producer/performer in hardcore porn films.

For his official bio, read this while you can. Unofficially, the handsome rangy runner/vegan has two books about how great it is to film yourself fucking but how it all has to be on the down-low because he holds a high-profile job.

Hélas, someone (I guess a few other people in La Crosse watch porn videos) recognized him and told on him and now he’s been fired but he’s not going quietly but rather has much to say about his free speech rights.

Margaret Soltan, December 28, 2023 8:00AM
Posted in: kind of a little weird

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4 Responses to “Disclaimer: No universities were harmed in the making of this film.”

  1. TAFKAU Says:

    From one of their books: “But our establishment colleagues likely would be shocked to watch us complete the full carnal process…”

    Only university administrators could make sex sound like filling out an HR form.

  2. Margaret Soltan Says:

    You must complete the full carnal process before your application will be able to go forward.

  3. TAFKAU Says:

    Completion of the carnal process should take no more than 15 minutes. The Chancellor’s Office has provided an instructional video to help you complete the process within the allotted time period. Contingent faculty are exempt from this requirement; we have other ways to ensure that they get properly screwed.

  4. Stephen Karlson Says:

    A few years ago he was reprimanded for having an adult film star give a guest lecture. Apparently he failed to develop the right sort of avant garde culture studies faculty at LaCrosse to make the case that such transgressivity is actually the Praxis of High Theory.

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