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[Senator] Grassley, in a letter to Pfizer, wrote that he was “greatly disturbed” to read an article in The New York Times on Tuesday describing a Pfizer representative taking cellphone photographs of [Harvard] medical students last October at a campus demonstration against industry influence. “I find this troubling as I have documented several instances where pharmaceutical companies have attempted to intimidate academic critics of drugs,” he wrote.

New York Times


The curious lensman from Pfizer
Has become my new Harvard advisor.
“Promote my next pill
And you’ll be in the swill.”
To which all I can say is “Aye aye, sir!”

Margaret Soltan, March 4, 2009 5:28AM
Posted in: conflict of interest, limericks

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One Response to “Limerick.”

  1. Dave Stone Says:

    When in Washington Senator Grassley
    Dirt on deans and drug reps has amassed, he
    Wages the pursuitical
    Of sleazery pharmaceutical:
    Up a creek in a sling will their ass be.

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