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Things are seldom…

… what they seem, sings Buttercup in Pinafore.

And ain’t it the truth. He’s a resident assistant in a Hofstra University dorm; she seems a nice Jewish girl. But he assists students in buying drugs, and she’s a gangster’s moll.

Margaret Soltan, March 28, 2009 3:14PM
Posted in: STUDENTS

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4 Responses to “Things are seldom…”

  1. david Says:

    Moll. My Grandma would have said "she’s a bad egg". The GanGsTA boyfriend…"a wiseguy". Not in the eye-talian sense. More like a punk.

    Nana was truly old school. Died at 96.

    Hey, should I ditch those ""quote"" marks?

  2. david Says:

    Damn! One more. "More nerve than brains, the whole lot of ’em"

  3. Van L. Hayhow Says:

    As an assistant public defender who handles a violation calender four or five days a week, I can tell you that many young people have no idea how much trouble they can get into. I am 99.9% certain that the people who were arrested were shocked, absolutely shocked that they were charged and even more shocked that they were charged with serious felonies.

  4. Josh Says:

    Little Buttercup’s just quoting Pope, no?

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