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While the French university system…

… settles in for more years of state-sponsored locked-in syndrome with occasional violent twitches, the British system begins to show a little movement.

Britain’s elite universities should be allowed to privatise to form a US-style Ivy league, a senior vice-chancellor said today.

Sir Roy Anderson, rector of Imperial College, said institutions including his own, as well as Cambridge and Oxford universities, should be freed from state control to allow them to charge students more than the current £3,140 capped fees and recruit greater numbers of international students to boost their income.

… “The trouble is all, universities are too dependent on the government. You don’t want to be subject to the mores of government funding or changing educational structures.”…

France, Italy, and Greece remain the hopeless paralytics of European higher education, leaving the path clear for Germany and England and everybody else.

Margaret Soltan, June 2, 2009 8:12AM
Posted in: foreign universities

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2 Responses to “While the French university system…”

  1. Dance Says:

    re Ivy League style: I did a junior year abroad at Oxbridge. As a professor, I am completely googlable, of course. In the last year, I think I have gotten at least 12 emails or letters trying to incorporate me into an alumni society that might give money.

  2. DM Says:

    Bah, everybody knows that in France, people don’t care much for undergrad studies at universities outside of medicine and law; traditionally, only the grandes écoles count.

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