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Wish I’d Thought of This.

I’m not clever enough. But the student journalists at Washington State University are.

UD thanks Dance for sending her this.

Yes. That’s it. Click on the word this. Click on it.

And enjoy.


PS: SOS just wrote to the editor about the misspelling in the article’s title.

Margaret Soltan, July 1, 2009 6:11PM
Posted in: sport

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4 Responses to “Wish I’d Thought of This.”

  1. Cassandra Says:


    Hats off to the WSU Daily Evergreeners!

  2. RJO Says:

    Very clever indeed. UD could compose a whole series of such letters — for the university president who didn’t know his salary was so high; to the professor of medicine who says as long as he takes payola from all sides the effects will cancel out; to the trustee who’s never been to the library but who’s sure the skybox seats at the stadium will bring in lots of cash; etc.

    Tangentially, this is a neat tool for boilerplate generation too — the Education Jargon Generator:


  3. Digger Says:

    This is brilliant. I love the hints under the blanks. Thanks for posting this, I needed a laugh!

  4. veblen Says:

    As someone who grew up reading Mad Magazine, I tip my hat to the editors. BTW, there’s a hidden gem if you mouse over the blanks.

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