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A University of Florida Employee Explains…

… why she committed fraud with her university-issued credit card:

Sheila Renda Springs, a senior fiscal assistant with the chemistry department, reportedly bought 22 personal items costing nearly $3,400 over two years. Springs, who was employed at UF since 1999, bought mainly electronics and camera equipment.

She told university police that she wanted the items for her family but couldn’t afford them, according to the report.

Margaret Soltan, September 15, 2009 7:25PM
Posted in: the university

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2 Responses to “A University of Florida Employee Explains…”

  1. Dave Stone Says:

    Ah, memories. I was a one-year visiting assistant professor in upstate New York. In a weak moment, I was watching local news. The anchor said "Thieves smashed an ATM and took $1200. Police are still trying to ascertain a motive."

  2. human Says:

    Hah! Well, ask a stupid question…

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