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SUNY and the University of Florida: Multitasking

The State University of New York system, as we know, is dealing at the same time with a big sports scandal and a big money scandal. Details here.

There’s a similar sort of two-front war raging at the University of Florida, where they’ve got both a big sex scandal and a big money scandal.

Money scandal first. UD covered the story back in May when accusations that the Director of the university’s Propulsion Institute created a fake research unit to steal from the government first arose. She was shocked back then to discover that Samim Anghaie’s university website still functioned; imagine her amazement to discover, post-indictment, that he’s still up there, representing the University of Florida.

As to the sex scandal: The only thing UD finds scandalous in this story is the sort of course the professor teaches. Scathing Online Schoolmarm thought she’d seen it all.

Margaret Soltan, October 30, 2009 3:59PM
Posted in: the university

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2 Responses to “SUNY and the University of Florida: Multitasking”

  1. shunted Says:

    Perhaps you failed to see that the course has a multicultural focus and that the professor teaches from the inside out as opposed to the outside in. Your harsh judgment is premature.

  2. University Diaries » Illuminati Says:

    […] Nothing kinky about it, and it happens so often… and the student gets pissed and tells on her professor so often … that University Diaries constantly has to decide whether to blog about the latest imploding professor/student affair. […]

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