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Just finished very quickly raking a ton of leaves front and back…

… Slight tightness in chest… But put that aside…

We’re now officially off to the beach. Rehoboth Beach, Delaware — a three-hour drive.


Margaret Soltan, October 31, 2009 11:34AM
Posted in: snapshots from home

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3 Responses to “Just finished very quickly raking a ton of leaves front and back…”

  1. RJO Says:

    Leaf symposium!

    A Leaf-Treader

    I have been treading on leaves all day until I am autumn-tired.
    God knows all the color and form of leaves I have trodden on and mired.
    Perhaps I have put forth too much strength and been too fierce from fear.
    I have safely trodden underfoot the dead leaves of another year.

    All summer long they were overhead, more lifted up than I.
    To come to their final place in earth they had to pass me by.
    All summer long I thought I heard them threatening under their breath.
    And when they came it seemed with a will to carry me with them to death.

    They spoke to the fugitive in my heart as if it were leaf to leaf.
    They tapped at my eyelids and touched my lips with an invitation to grief.
    But it was no reason I had to go because they had to go.
    Now up, my knee, to keep on top of another year of snow.

  2. francofou Says:

    Mulch ’em. Save your heart.
    And you can keep treading on them, even after the frost.

  3. theprofessor Says:

    We have a ten-bagger tree in the yard; seven down, three to go.

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