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It’s a Small World After All

It’s not only Greek university students who think bludgeoning professors and administrators makes political sense. We’ve got a few like that here.

As many as 70 protesters, many carrying torches and smashing windows, attempted to storm UC Berkeley Chancellor Robert Birgeneau’s on-campus residence late Friday in a violent act condemned by university officials and student activists alike.

Eight people, including two UC Berkeley students, were arrested on suspicion of rioting, threatening an educational official, attempted burglary, attempted arson, felony vandalism and assault with a deadly weapon on a police officer, the university said.

Some protesters threw incendiary objects at the house in an attack that left the chancellor and his wife fearing for their lives.

The group was apparently protesting student fee hikes and budget cuts. The demonstrators chanted “No justice, no peace,” as the chancellor slept. His wife woke him up about 11 p.m. …

Details and many comments at the Berkeley campus paper.

Margaret Soltan, December 13, 2009 1:22AM
Posted in: the university

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One Response to “It’s a Small World After All”

  1. Stephen Karlson Says:


    (The comment script calls for more words. For those of you in Rio Linda, it amuses me to see the current crop of protestors using Sixties tactics on the Sixties leftovers running Cal.)

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