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Jake Goldbas, in the North Carolina State University …

… newspaper, talks about some of the professors he’s had.

His writing is a bit awkward, but UD admires his stress on real encounters between human beings in university classrooms.

[Some] professors … are impersonal. Perhaps this is best seen in the voice of reason. If the professor poses some voice of cool logic, then they are probably ignoring your question for the sake of convenience. These are the types to stay close to their scripts, reading their power points as if power points were the last say on knowledge. Generally speaking, the bigger the class size, the more impersonal it gets.

What a rush of joy it is for these people not to have to answer real problems, real questions, real intelligence.

… Real relationships, real exchange of teaching and learning are hard to come by. The problem is facilitated by the sleeping student, the texting student and the student on Facebook during class. No one can know the authority is corrupt when they know nothing about the authority…

Margaret Soltan, March 29, 2010 8:45AM
Posted in: powerpoint pissoff

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