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Windy Days and Nights in ‘thesda Lately…

… and it’s still windy as I write, on a sunny, cool Sunday afternoon. We’re under an advisory.

Already the electricity has shut down, twice, each time for a few minutes. When everything went black last night, I put down the papers and exams I’m grading (the semester’s classes are over) and drifted stupidly through the house, holding a large yellow flashlight and laughing. In Garrett Park, under the big trees, under the exposed wires, everything’s always going black.

The long brilliant midday of these days is bracing. Endless alleys of trees shake their leaves back and forth, light green and dark green, in the wind. Branches come blasting off of trunks. We walked around a lake in Germantown yesterday and everything was madly dappled. Ducklings and goslings struggled along strewn paths and high water.

This is my current pattern: I read five papers and then go outside for ten minutes to pick up poplar shavings and honeysuckle greens. Then I go back to the papers.

Margaret Soltan, May 9, 2010 11:26AM
Posted in: snapshots from home

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