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Haven’t had anything for my THAT WHICH DOES NOT KILL ME category in a while…

… and this seems right for it.

There’s no smog or honking in this commute. And the only rushing Ty Hopkins hears is the creek flowing alongside him as he pedals up and down the winding canyon roads. Sometimes, his iPod keeps him company, while other times, he quietly soaks up the early morning sun as it trickles through the treetops.

Just a simple morning bike ride.

A “simple” 36.75-mile-with-an-11-mile-uphill-climb-from-American-Fork-to-Provo ride. No biggie.

… [A] 39-year-old father of four girls and an associate professor in exercise science at BYU, [Hopkins] has always been a mountain biking aficionado, but he wasn’t really a cycling fan until he discovered that road bikes offered an incredibly convenient way to combine triathlon training and commuting.

So in the summer, rather than drive the 30 minutes from his American Fork home to his Richards Building office, he bikes it — just call it the 140-minute Alpine Loop extreme nature commute…

Margaret Soltan, July 5, 2010 8:04AM

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2 Responses to “Haven’t had anything for my THAT WHICH DOES NOT KILL ME category in a while…”

  1. Michael Tinkler Says:

    Hey – it’s downhill all the way home!

  2. Mr Punch Says:

    Plus, if you start in American Fork, at least you can stoke yourself up for the ride with a cup of coffee.

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