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UD’s Woods This Season…

… have produced many Giant Puffball mushrooms. They’re out there right now, only yards from my office window. They look like the brains of aliens that have been dropped from spaceships. Effing ginormous.


PUFFBALL UPDATE: In the space of an hour, I’ve gone from being repelled by them, to being afraid of them, to being fascinated by them (I got online and did some reading), to putting on my gardening gloves, picking through my woods, and pulling one of them up.

It’s not the biggest, but – in its pasty pocked surface-of-the-moon way – it’s the most lovely.

I took it to Mr UD, who held, stroked, and sniffed it. I took it to La Kid, who drummed it like a bongo and sank a nail into it. I sent an email to Gabe Mandel, my foraging chef neighbor, and told him to take the rest and cook them.

Margaret Soltan, August 22, 2010 2:19PM
Posted in: snapshots from home

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