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Let them sell their jerseys!

I’d argue that university presidents and the people who run the biggest conferences have never been more openly greedy. Since the end of the last college football season, the dominant story in college sports has been to find a better conference deal and get more money. Your school gets $15 million for being on television? Try for $25 million.

Like many other observers, Michael Wilbon notes that though big time university athletes spend “more than 40 hours a week” working on their game, they make virtually no money — while, in some cases, enriching everyone around them.

Margaret Soltan, September 10, 2010 2:54AM
Posted in: sport

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2 Responses to “Let them sell their jerseys!”

  1. Mr Punch Says:

    It’s all a matter of whether or not college athletics is an educational experience, of course. A lot of folks make a pretty good living administering and even teaching at universities where many students put in plenty of hard work and pay for the privilege.

  2. Dave Stone Says:

    The sports website Deadspin had a pretty good take on the <a href="http://deadspin.com/5633141/aj-green-jersey-sales-and-the-ncaas-hypocrisy-in-eight-easy-pictures?skyline=true&s=i"whole jersey-selling issue.

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