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“After going to 3 funerals in 2 months to say goodbye to close friends and hearing about all of the other students from our campus who have died because of alcohol-related activities, I feel there is a problem.”

Wisconsin is one of our most proudly pissed states; and within Wisconsin the campus of UW-Stout is a veritable piss park.

In response to the carnage, the university has put serious new restrictions on students and their drink, which has the students (most of them; not the student I quote in my headline) in an uproar…

Last weekend’s incident might quiet them down, though.

Two students got into a shouting match
with a third student at a bar. As the third rode away on his bike, the others

assaulted [Bradley] Simon causing him to crash his bicycle into a concrete wall. Simon flew over the handlebars of his bike and struck his head on the wall causing serious head trauma, according to the report.

[The students] then left the scene…

One will go to trial for felony murder, the other for being party to the same.

Margaret Soltan, September 27, 2010 6:20AM
Posted in: demon rum, STUDENTS

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