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Another advantage of online courses.

They don’t let only students cheat. They let professors cheat. Sometimes on a massive scale.

A high-ranking professor/administrator in India apparently decided to make big money by running his own fake institute under the umbrella of his legitimate university, the Indian Institute of Technology at Kharagpur.

He graduated a whole class of students, all of whom subsequently discovered that they had a worthless degree. The Hindustan Times quotes from their letter to the head of the IIT, asking to be repaid.

UD wondered how the guy got away with it (long enough, at least, to collect a lot of money)… I mean, wouldn’t other people at the university notice that fake classes were going on? How would he have gotten the classes on the academic schedule, etc.?

Then a commenter on the article mentioned that this was almost certainly an online operation. And suddenly it all made sense.

Margaret Soltan, October 19, 2010 6:03AM
Posted in: technolust

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