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Meth Hall

Two (three?) freshmen at Washington’s Jesuit university make meth in their dorm room.

Police discovered a methamphetamine lab inside a freshman residence hall on the Georgetown University campus early Saturday.

Everyone evacuated. (Meth labs have a tendency to explode.) Police are interviewing the meth makers.

You’ll recall that UD featured the same story not long ago, this time at the University of Central Florida.


Some cross-town rivalry in the comments section of Vox Populi:

A meth lab? Who’s trashy now?



God never closes a door without opening a window: Because of this story, UD has discovered the GW Ratchet.


This one, back in ’05, was discovered via security camera. He was making meth in the San Diego State chem lab.


Some background from Inside Higher Ed.


In case you think there might be one in your dorm.


Meth meet and greet. (Photo of evacuated Georgetown University students.)


If you really can’t get enough of this.


Update on the Georgetown University story: The drug lab seems not to have been making meth; instead, it manufactured DMT, a hallucinogen.

If UD‘s experience with these sorts of stories is anything to go by, however, police will find more than one drug being made or sold in the dorm room. The cookers (I learned this word from the Frontline documentary I just watched) usually offer a larger menu.


Regaining a sense of perspective: From a Georgetown University comment thread:

At least DMT is a safe highbrow drug suitable for use by educated elites, unlike the crude trailer trash stimulants originally suggested.

Margaret Soltan, October 23, 2010 11:29AM
Posted in: STUDENTS

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One Response to “Meth Hall”

  1. Richard Says:

    Apart from the danger of explosion, I understand that the chemicals involved seep into the architecture. The dorm room might be kaput as far as safe habitation goes.

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